Downsize to a smaller property – time for children to move out?

September 27, 2017

When it comes to property, size matters. Photo: Dimitry Galanternik
When it comes to property, size matters. Photo: Dmitry Galanternik

Downsizing into a smaller property is all a part of growing up. Robin Lim, Head of Mortgages Product Management at National Australia Bank says downsizing is when “you have moved to a stage in your life where you want a smaller property with less room”.

So why are Australians seeking smaller spaces? The kids have moved out – or maybe they haven’t – and this is the gentle nudge the family needs. Perhaps it makes sense financially to sell the family home and increase your equity. Or maybe you are fed up maintaining a home that doesn’t warrant the work. Whatever the reason, Senior Economist Andrew Wilson says: “It is becoming more accepted to downsize into a unit rather than remain in the family home.”

Post-GFC, Australians have grown up and so have property prices. “Prices have grown. You can’t wait forever. You got to kick those kids out,” says Dr Wilson.

An interesting trend emerging from Australia’s downsizers is they are finding smaller properties in the areas they live. There will always be those who take the sea change. However Dr Wilson says “especially with Sydney and Melbourne, if they are not looking for a regional option, [they] tend to want to live around where they have been”. Better the devil you know.

“Australia has had a little bit of a pause in downsizing in the post-GFC period, where property growth prices were flat, superannuation savings were flat because the stock market was underperforming. In a way, it sort of impeded downsizers who were waiting to get their financial models in shape, so they could do that downsizing,” Dr Wilson said.

Despite people staying where they knew, some Australians were finding it hard in the bigger cities to find smaller properties in neighbourhoods they love.

“One of the trends in downsizing, because of those constraints to medium-density development, particularly in middle and inner ring suburbs of Sydney and Melbourne, there is just a little bit less choice to downsizers, who are more and more looking for a smaller property,” said Dr Wilson.

Change is not necessarily a bad thing if you are prepared. You can find out how to research for your next property here.

Financial Options in Downsizing:
You can refinance from your existing property to your new property.
Bridging finance – have an agreement with the bank to cover the shortfall between when you sell your existing property and when you move into your new property.

Things to be mindful of:
Levels of debt.
How much you can borrow?
How are you going to service the loan?

“It’s important when you are moving into new levels of debt … it’s important to make sure you involve the professionals, go and see a banker, go see a broker. They can assess how much you can borrow, how much you can service the loan so it does not impact your lifestyle,” Mr Lim says.
