Tenancy laws in Victoria cover more than 500 sections of legislation in the Tenancies Act, so it’s little wonder few tenants or landlords know it inside out.
While most landlords do the right thing by their tenants, and many of the day-to-day rights are well known by both parties, several critical details in tenancy agreements are worth knowing.
Here are some of the rights tenants might not know they have:
Steam-cleaning the carpet in a rental property can cost hundreds of dollars, but it’s not an expense that a tenant should always have to pay.
When tenants leave a rental property, they often believe or are told they must steam-clean the carpets when they vacate. However, in Victoria it is not always mandatory.
Tenants Union of Victoria’s Yaelle Caspi said the Residential Tenancies Act states the tenant needs to “leave the property in a reasonably clean condition”.
“Many estate agents insist that tenants steam-clean the carpet by including this as a term on a lease agreement,” Caspi says.
“This, however, can be seen as an invalid term, as it is asking for something beyond ‘reasonably clean’. In many cases, steam-cleaning may not be necessary.”
If you’ve made a mess of the carpet, get it steam-cleaned. If you haven’t, speak to your property manager.
If a landlord fails in their duty to repair a property or undertake maintenance, it isn’t just a gripe that a tenant should sweep under the rug. In fact, renters have a right to be compensated by their landlord if they are not carrying out their duties under the act.
“This is true, too, if the tenant’s quiet enjoyment of the property has been disturbed by the landlord repeatedly coming to the property without proper notice, or by holding too many open-house inspections,” Caspi says.
“A tenant can also seek compensation if the property was not reasonably clean when they moved in.”
This right to compensation continues up to six years from when they could have first legally made the claim – even if they are no longer renting the premises.
“Claims need to be made through VCAT and there are processes to follow under different circumstances. It is advisable if a tenant wishes to seek compensation that they seek advice. The tenants union website provides information on this matter,” Caspi says.
The tribunal has a $10,000 compensation claim limit under the Residential Tenancies Act, but a claim could be made under the Fair Trading Act, which has no limit.
Guidelines to claiming compensation:
– You should provide your landlord a breach of duty notice, which gives them 14 days to comply with their duties under the act.
– It is recommended you wait until the breach is rectified before making a claim, if possible.
– You should take note of details of the breach, loss or damage caused, the funds you are claiming for what can’t be fixed, funds you spent yourself and inconveniences.
– After the 14-day notice period, you can apply to the tribunal.
Source: Tenant Help
Many tenants believe paying the water bill is non-negotiable. However, landlords are required to pay this fee in specific circumstances.
There are rules about water-usage charges that determine whether a tenant pays, which means it can be a “grey area”, Caspi says.
“A tenant is only liable to pay for utilities such as electricity, gas and water if the supply is separately metred,” she says.
“If a tenant lives in a unit, apartment or caravan park, the utility may not be separately metered and may be the responsibility of the landlord.”
Landlords must pay all installation and upfront costs for connecting electricity, gas and oil supply. In situations where the gas supply is bottled, your landlord is required to pay for the supply and hire of the bottles and the tenant pays for the gas itself.
If you have paid for utilities even though you are not separately metered, you can apply to tribunal to be reimbursed by the landlord.
There are many reasons a landlord or a property manager might need to enter a property, but there are some clear rules around how much notice a tenant should be provided.
Sam Nokes, head of the property management department at Jellis Craig Armadale, says one of the common reasons to enter is to conduct a routine inspection.
“Often, we find tenants can be uneasy about having the landlord and agent enter the property. However, this is an integral part of any tenancy,” Nokes says.
“The agent and landlord are not just there to review how the property is being kept, but also to assess the condition of the property and any works that may be required,” he says.
“Agents and landlords are required to give tenants no less than 24 hours notice in writing of this. The first inspection can be conducted after the first three months or your tenancy, and then not more often than once every six months after that.”
Landlords can have entry between 8am and 6pm, 24 hours after giving notice on any day other than a public holiday, for the purposes of:
– Duties in tenancy agreement.
– Valuing the home.
– Showing prospective buyers or lenders through the premises.
– Showing prospective tenants through the premises (only once notice of intention to vacate or notice to vacate has been provided and within 14 days before the termination date).
– Verify a “reasonable belief” the tenant has not met their duties.
Source: Consumer Affairs Victoria
While a tenant will usually stay for an entire fixed-term rental agreement, there are often circumstances that result in tenants needing to leave.
Breaking a lease can be very expensive for a tenant, who is usually then asked to pay a lease-breaking fee, readvertising costs and to continue paying rent until a new tenant is found – ultimately adding up to hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars, Caspi says.
“These costs can be avoided if they are able to find a replacement tenant themselves,” she says.
“The landlord is not allowed to unreasonably withhold consent to assign [transfer] the property to a new tenant, so if the tenant finds someone who is able to pay the rent, the landlord can’t really say no, unless for a good reason.”
The same rule applies to subletting, with landlords required not to unreasonably withhold consent to sublet a property. Tenants must still ask permission.
“The message here is really if a tenant can find someone suitable, ask the landlord and they really can’t say no unless for a good reason,” she says.
Tenants can also apply to VCAT for a reduction of a fixed-term tenancy agreement if they face hardship, rather than face break-lease costs.
These hardships could include losing a job or a sick family member.
“The event needs to be an unforeseen change in circumstances, and one of severe hardship which is deemed to be greater than the hardship that the landlord would suffer if the term is reduced,” Caspi says.
“In these instances, the most important thing to remember is that as a tenant you must not hand back the keys to the rental property until after the VCAT hearing,” she says.
“This is because you need to still be in the tenancy agreement to seek the reduction, otherwise it is seen to have already ended and you will be liable for lease-breaking costs.”
While many tenants will accept any increase in rent provided by their landlord, particularly as increases are common in tight rental markets, there are scenarios where you do not have to accept the hike.
Victoria Legal Aid says there are two scenarios where you can reject a rental increase:
– If the increase is too much compared with other comparable local rental properties.
– If the owner or agent has reduced or withdrawn services, facilities or other items that are part of the premises.
In these circumstances, you can request a rent assessment within 30 days of being notified of the rental increase. This assessment is undertaken by Consumer Affairs Victoria and if you are unhappy with the outcome, you can apply to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal for a hearing. At this hearing, tribunal will set the maximum rent that applies for the next year.
Rent cannot be increased during a fixed-term lease agreement, unless it’s stated specifically in the agreement, and cannot be increased more than once every six months. You must be given 60 days notice in writing of any increase.
Rooming house residents may also argue against the rent if there has been an increase in residents in their room and a rental reduction has not been enough.
When something urgent breaks in your rental property, the usual process is to contact the landlord or property manager so they can send someone around to fix the problem.
On the rare occasion, a landlord might fail to complete their required responsibilities in the time required. In these circumstances, tenants can organise the repairs themselves, so long as they do not cost more than $1800.
When the repairs are done and a receipt is kept, tenants are required to send a “notice to landlord of rented premises” form, which requires them to pay in 14 days, Consumer Affairs Victoria says.
Tenants who cannot afford to do the repairs themselves can apply to VCAT, where applications for urgent repairs must be heard within two days.
The same rule does not apply for non-urgent repairs, where the owner has 14 days to organise this maintenance before tenants can apply to Consumer Affairs and then VCAT.
The Residential Tenancies Act considers the following non-exhaustive list to be urgent repairs. Any work necessary to repair or remedy:
– A burst water service.
– A blocked or broken lavatory system.
– A serious roof leak.
– A gas leak.
– A dangerous electrical fault.
– Flooding or serious flood damage.
– Serious storm or fire damage.
If an item has broken in a rental property, it is not always the case that you have to pay the full replacement cost for that item.
While some property managers will request the full cost, the tribunal will often revise this down to match what is in tenancy law.
In many cases, a repair rather than a replacement can be charged, while in others cases it might be considered straightforward wear and tear.
“If something in the property breaks, the tenant is not always responsible for the full cost of a replacement,” Caspi says.
“Depreciation of the item can be used to determine how much is owed. A tenant is not responsible to fix something that has broken due to fair wear and tear.”
If a landlord claims they had to replace an old damaged item with a brand new one, you might be able to successfully argue to pay a fraction of the cost using the Australian Taxation Office’s depreciation tables.
Tenants can often feel a notice to vacate is set in stone and they must comply with it. However, they are actually able to challenge these notices.
“If a tenant receives a notice to vacate, they don’t need to leave the property right away,” Caspi says.
“They have a right to question the validity of the notice. The landlord must apply for a possession order through VCAT before you are required to leave.”
When the issue goes to VCAT, you can raise any issues you have with the notice and come to a mutually beneficial arrangement.
“Tenants should always seek advice if they receive a notice to vacate and do not want to leave,” she says.
A notice to vacate must be sent to the tenant at the premises by registered post or hand-delivered, be addressed to the tenant, be signed by the landlord or agent and provide a date for a tenant to leave.
The notice must also include a reason, which might be a “no reason” notice with 120 days for the tenant to leave. The timeframes to vacate differ based on the reason.
When a fixed term lease ends, many tenants hand in the keys unexpectedly, Nokes says.
“Tenants can sometimes be unclear, that unless one party gives the other notice, a fixed-term lease just rolls on to a periodic tenancy,” he says.
“What this means for tenants is that they don’t have to move out when the lease ends; they can continue, unless they have been given a notice to vacate by the landlord,” he says.
Tenants who want to end their lease are required to provide 28 days notice to vacate, as long as the date they intend to leave is after the end of the fixed-term lease.
“This can result in tenants having to pay for this 28-day period whilst they have probably arranged a new home,” he says.