Australian Unity Retirement Living provides a wide array of high quality retirement residences, facilities and services in Victoria and New South Wales.These include retirement villages; aged care facilities catering for those with low care through to high care needs and dementia; home care, community care; day and in-home respite and residential transition care.We have more than 1830 retirement home units, 451 aged care beds and 180 ambulatory and community care packages. With this strength in numbers we can cater to all of the needs of our residents and clients and plan additional services as they are required.We’re proud of what we offer. It’s not just accommodation, it’s a holistic range of health, lifestyle and care services with a focus on our residents’ wellbeing. Importantly, we incorporate the seven internationally recognised indicators of wellbeing into our offerings. These are health, achievements, security, safety, living standards, relationships and community connectedness.It’s all about having time-proven systems and processes in place designed to meet your needs, now and into the future.