Bremner Realty may have only been open for a short period of time, but we can assure you that our experience is quite extensive.Margaret, Kim and Jeremy have approximately 60 + years in this industry. Margaret and Kim have sold property in the Great Southern, Metropolitan Perth, Pilbara, and even the Southern Forests regions of WA.Margaret and Kim have resided in Katanning on and off for the past 10 years, and now consider this part of WA to be their permanent home.Jeremy is from a farming background based in Kojonup, he has an extensive knowledge of rural and residential properties.We are able to service the Great Southern, taking in towns such as:BroomehillDumbleyungKatanningKojonupNyabingTambellupWaginPingrupWoodanillingBremner Realty is committed to providing quality service to its customers, and seeks to ensure accuracy, currency and reliability of information provided over the internet, but this cannot be guaranteed. As some of us humans aren’t always infallible.