Extraordinary expertise and knowledge built over decades, together with an extensive buyer network and specialist knowledge in life style properties has built Castran's enviable reputation. The Castran team, led by John and Lachlan Castran have over half a century of combined experience and specialist knowledge in all facets of real estate to ensure that you receive the best advice, a breadth of experience and insightful campaigns that deliver results.An industry leader for 36 years, you can be assured that Castran's straight forward, knowledgeable and creative team will bring an innovative and bespoke approach to each property - whether in sales, rental or development - to ensure the best possible outcome for clients. A dedicated team has been hand picked to exure our skills and experience are exemplary and broad. Castran's campaigns drive enthusiasm and excitement to deliver outstanding results. Working with a network that includes both local and international buyers, Castran's tight knit team know the marketplace intimately and work tirelessly to deliver outcomes that surpass expectations.