Louie Jovcevski the Principal and Licensee of LJ Hooker Hurstville has been servicing the St George Area for over 30 years.
With our office located at 182 Forest Rd Hurstville we believe that the exposure and shop front display of over 150 properties will only benefit our clientele. With a large sales team of 6 and property management team of 4 working out of the one prominent location, it can only add to the success of all parties associated with LJ Hooker Hurstville.
LJ Hooker Hurstville have been building a relationship with the local community for more than 30 years and our knowledge of the area is vital when it comes to getting the best results for our clients.
Honesty and integrity are at the core of our company culture, and while some may say it’s an old-fashioned way of doing business, we wouldn’t have it any other way. Much of our client base is the result of the many excellent referrals we consistently receive.
We believe in making the most of the latest technology by keeping our web sites up-to-date and ensuring an effective presence on the popular real estate portals used by thousands of people every day.
This ability to provide reliable, old-fashioned service with innovative marketing techniques means we get the results you expect time and time again. Because ultimately, your success is our success and you can be sure that we will always look for the better way if it means achieving a better result for you.