TRUWAY Group is an Australian owned and Newcastle based, Quality Assured Company accredited to international standards, TRUWAY is licensed in Real Estate, Valuation, Project management and Building Construction services. TRUWAY's rapid growth since commencing operation in 2000 is attributed to our unique capability to deliver the ultimate "one stop shop" to our clients through our unparalleled expertise across numerous disciplines.
TRUWAY’s dedicated Professional Property Services Business has a wealth of knowledge and industry experience, providing expert advice and delivering tailored solutions to our individual client’s and Investors. The diversity of our services in the Professional Property Services Business offers includes:-
v Property management service
v Sales and Acquisitions, including Auctioneer services
v Due diligence, feasibilities for Investors projections
v Buyers Investor Agency Firm v Building Development Services via our Building Company JLC Building Developments
TRUWAY has demonstrated a solid ability to deliver comprehensive and cost effective professional property services in building maintenance, renovation and alteration, building construction and project management Service to our investor's and clients.