Ray White Nepean Group specialises in the sale and leasing of residential, strata titled & rural homes in every price sector and type throughout the Nepean District. With active databases for people seeking property, ranging from small units up to high end acreage, we are equipped to maximise your real estate needs.Since Ray White was founded in 1902 it has been a family owend and operated company. We are as committed today as the White family were then.Our staff are experienced and dedicated to service your needs and we strive to exceed your expectations in each and every market that we operate.Our team work together as one to ensure that Ray White Nepean Group share the same vision for excellence that the broader Ray White family has shared with us.If you are looking for a team to sell or lease your property, then look no further than Ray White Nepean Group - your local experts in real estate.Did you know? Ray White is the most Googled real estate brand in Australia.We understand what "good service" means. It certainly doesn't cost any more, it just takes a little more thought.