Senior Valuer & Property Consultant
Associate Australian Property Institute (AAPI) (since 1977) formerly Australian Institue of Valuers and Land Economists). Registered Valuer without Limitation No 1718 (since 1979) Real Estate Valuers Registration Board of New South Wales. Registered Valuer No 1651 (1988 to 2004) Rural and Urban Valuer, Valuers Registration Board of Queensland. Qualified Land Valuer No 1877 (1992 to 2002) with Limitation Valuers Qualification
Board of Victoria. Completed Real Estate Certificate 1986. Advanced Diploma in Local and Applied History University of New England Completed 2000.
1971-1985 Valuer ~ Valuer-General’s Department
1985-1994 Senior Valuer ~ Richardson & Wrench
1994-2002 Director of Valuations ~ Craig Miller Pty Limited
Valuations of a wide range of properties with particular emphasis on retail (including major shopping centres), commercial buildings, industrial buildings, but also including development sites and projects, rural home sites and residential properties. Purposes of valuations vary, but include purchase, sale, mortgage security, asset revaluations and compulsory acquisition by Government authorities. Reviews are undertaken of rating valuations and market rental reviews are undertaken on behalf of both lessors and lessees. Valuation reports are often prepared for court related matters and evidence is given as an expert witness as a follow up to many of these matters.