Senior Valuer & Property Consultant
QUALIFICATIONS: Associate Australian Property Institute (AAPI)
Registered to value all property without limitations under the Valuers Registration Act, 1975. Graduate Diploma Urban Estate Management ~ Faculty of Architecture & Building, University of Technology Sydney
1962-1966 Cadet Valuer, Sydney Water Board
1966-1970 Valuer ~ Sydney Water Board
1970-1973 Valuer ~ Australian Taxation Office, Sydney
1972 Seconded to Dept. Navy Team & responsible for Valuation of all land, buildings, docks, wharfs etc on Cockatoo Island for Lease from Commonwealth Government to Vickers Cockatoo
1974-1978 Valuer ~ NSW Dept of Housing
1978-1985 Senior Land Purchasing Officer NSW Dept Housing. In charge of 12 Valuers and responsible for all valuations, property acquisitions and disposals throughout NSW.
1979-1982 Part Time Lecturer in Real Estate, Sydney and North Sydney Technical Colleges. Correspondence Teacher in Valuation, Sydney Technical College.
1985-1988 Private Valuation Practice at Longueville, Lane Cove. Specialising in valuation and acquisition of englobo residential land.
1988-2002 Partner (Director) Walsh & Monaghan Pty Ltd, Nowra. Valuing all classes of property for major banks and other lending institutions. Contract Valuers for Shoalhaven, Eurobodalla, Kiama & Shellharbour Councils as well as numerous Government Departments including RTA, Dept of Planning and Dept of Housing. Extensive court experience as an expert witness in Land and Environment Court, Family Law Court, Taxation Board of Review etc.
2002-2006 Consultant Valuer with W.McI. Carpenter & Associates. Wide and continuing experience in residential and retail valuations and rental determinations for the API.