Yash Sethi has sold 70 properties in the last 12 months. On average, these properties were advertised on Allhomes for 54 days.
Yash is working as a Sales Professional at New Door Properties.
Having started in Real Estate, Yash prides himself on his customer service and marketing knowledge. Yash's honesty, reliability and enthusiasm ensure his ability to hand select and correctly advise and represent you on buying or selling your property, no matter how big or small, having closed record deals from residential sales to acreage.
"My clientele personally believes in my expertise in selling their home", he says. "Accompanying people on their journey, whether it be buying or selling, is a very personal experience and I value that above all else." His background in Real Estate sales has contributed to his local knowledge of what attracts people to want to live or invest in the area and all surrounding areas; "Gungahlin has something for everyone," he explains, "the infrastructure here; shopping centres, restaurants, cafes, parks & recreational areas are all modern and family orientated."
Yash is a registered Real Estate salesperson in the Australian Capital Territory as well as in Victoria.
While Yash loves to travel and be on the go, he also enjoys winding down and bonding over food and drinks with his family and friends.