8 tips to stay healthy at work and ditch your bad desk habits

Sam Wood
July 17, 2018
Photo: supplied

For years office workers have put their health on the back burner, prioritising work over working out and convenience food over real food. It is so refreshing to see a shift in this way of thinking. With offices and residential developments popping up all over Melbourne with gyms and wellness centres in them, there has definitely been an awakening in the corporate wellness space. Companies have finally realised that when you take care of your employees, they take care of you.

I understand that certain vocations make it harder than others when it comes to balancing work and wellness. But there are plenty of ways you can stay healthy on the job. Just take a look at these eight questions to assess your wellness at work.

Photo: iStock
Photo: iStock

Are you a desk dweller?

Spending hours chained to your desk can make you drowsy and unproductive, and might be the reason that you’re experiencing some back or neck pain. Take three minutes every hour to stand up, stretch and move.

Are you getting fresh air and Vitamin D?

Aim to get outside for at least 15 minutes during the day. Going for a quick walk can instantly clear your mind – just try to leave your phone at your desk.

Are you getting enough z’s?

When it comes to sleep, I’m always saying that seven hours a night is the magic number. Try to hit the sweet spot by avoiding hitting the hay too late, but also not getting in bed too early – this can lead to a night of tossing and turning. If seven hours is beyond what you currently get, the important thing is to slowly but surely work towards it. Trust me, with a new baby I’m understanding just how hard this is to achieve!

Is coffee your lifeline?

Remember that too many takeaway coffees a day may not only be damaging to your wallet but your waistline, too. Try to limit yourself to two a day (preferably in the morning) and then switch to tea.

Are you isolated or a social butterfly?

Some of us flourish in group environments, others can only be productive with a bit of peace and quiet. Find your happy medium but remember the advantages of connecting with colleagues.

Are you staying hydrated?

This is all too easy to forget, but just as easy to fix. I’m always telling my clients to invest in a drink bottle to keep at your desk and ensure you’re sipping throughout the day.

What’s your screen time situation?

Trying to get to the bottom of those dreaded daily 3pm headaches and bleary eyes? Take a look at your screen time situation and ask if you are spending more time in front of the screen than you have to. Take any opportunity you can to go old-school and ditch the desktop for a notepad.

Do you need to stress less?

It’s important to learn the difference between good stress (the type that motivates you to achieve) versus bad stress (the overwhelming type that gets in the way of your day-to-day). Don’t ignore bad stress in your life. Meditation is a great way to handle stress, and can do wonders to ease your mind and increase productivity throughout the day.

