Both my parents are artists, and I’ve drawn and painted my whole life and went to art school in New Zealand. When I moved over in my 20s, a lot of my friends had moved to Melbourne and they all seemed to be doing very well.
The first time I came to Australia I was 10, and I was blown away by the birdlife. We were in Queensland and I just had these vivid memories of flocks of rainbow lorikeets – I just thought it was so exotic and amazing. Most birds in New Zealand are brown and green; they’re bush colours.
I didn’t really start painting birds again until we started running my wife’s (fellow artist Rowena Martinich) sheep property in the western Wimmera. There were so many different cockatoo species out there.
For the past seven years, Rowena and I have been down on the Surf Coast – in Jan Juc – full-time, but I’ve been living down here on and off since 2004.
There are a lot of creative people on the coast. If you’re a person who spends a lot of time in your head, sometimes having physical space to send your thoughts out into really helps. But it’s also the rolling, undulating nature of the space, and the close connection to nature.
In a way a painting’s like a crystallisation of a moment, so you’re dragging the paintbrush across the canvas and you have to make a decision to keep that and kind of lock it in. When I’m really hooked into a piece, I could work all day on it.
I just finished a massive project with a brand new five-star hotel in Melbourne. They approached me to do the artwork for every single room. It was over 260 works, so it was a dream project just to work
on something of that scale.
The idea of the starving artist is a total misconception. I learnt from running my previous landscaping business, and my wife is very business savvy and entrepreneurial. I can’t emphasise
enough what a turning point it was meeting her.
Art is one of those careers that can really sustain you mentally, emotionally and intellectually, and I hope it can keep sustaining us.
It has always been my dream job, and it is a dream to actually be living it.