Five indoor plants even black thumbs can keep alive

Kathleen Lee-Joe
January 15, 2016
The humble house plant has never been hipper. Photo: Stocksy

Don’t have any outdoor space? Bring the green inside with house plants.

Embraced by everyone from Apartmento-reading millennials to mature-aged folk, the humble house plant has never been hipper.

Of course, no living thing is zero maintenance, but some require more upkeep than others. The key to caring for a plant is to research its origins, then work on recreating the environment from where it’s from. The hardest-to-kill types tend to be understorey plants of tropical forests, able to thrive in warm, humid, dimly lit spaces with not much air movement. As such, it’s often best to keep them in a warm spot with a touch of sun and not too many draughts.

Once you’ve got the hang of it, consider expanding your collection. A few strategically placed pots can completely open up a space. They’re a great way to bring you closer to nature and decorate empty corners of rooms. Create a statement look with plant stands arranged in odd numbers – threes or fives work best. Feel free to mix and match colours, patterns and textures, using materials that complement one another and the decor. You can even experiment with levels, hanging displays such as suspended terrariums, macramé and upside-down planters.

These living, breathing inhabitants are proven wellbeing boosters, actually cleaning the air as they grow. They release oxygen, add humidity and filter out everyday toxins such as formaldehyde and benzene. They also release phytochemicals, which suppress mould spores and bacteria. (There’s evidence that rooms with plants have 50 to 60 per cent fewer airborne moulds and bacteria than rooms without!)

Afraid anything you touch will wither and die? Have confidence in your ability to care for another living thing! These five varieties are hardy as ever, proven to withstand even the blackest of thumbs. Happy gardening!

1. Snake plant (Sansevieria ​trifasciata)

Best for: a sad, forgotten corner

If you’re a forgetful person, or someone who likes to go on a lot of holidays, the snake plant is one of the most tolerant varieties out there. The almost-indestructible green is rather striking, with upright leaves and an architectural shape, and can be neglected for weeks at a time. Keep in indirect sunlight and don’t water too much. You can even let it dry out a bit between waterings – it’s that low-maintenance. 

Photo: Expat Living

2. Jade plant (Crassula ​ovata)

Best for: a sun-drenched room

Even inconstant gardeners can handle a succulent! The jade plant needs bright sun and low humidity and should be placed in a room that’s seldom lit at night but receives good natural light during the day. However, don’t overdo it. They sunburn if they’re suddenly moved from subdued light to direct sun too quickly, so be sure to do so in gradual stages. Also, don’t water on a schedule. Only water when the top of the soil feels dry to the touch.

Photo: Moorepark Plantscapes

3. Spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum)

Best for: a basement

These go excellently in hanging baskets, with their arching stems and long, ribbon-like leaves. They self-propagate in summer, producing baby spider plants from the flowers, while the mother continues to grow in size. A great one for beginners, they thrive in low light conditions and do well when their roots are crowded.

Photo: Bill’s Spider Plants

4. Peace lily (Spathiphyllum ​wallisii)

Best for: a south-facing window

The peace lily is known for its white blooms, given its name due to the fact that they look like white flags of surrender. The plant is reasonably happy in darker, humid spots – keep out of cold spare bedrooms and place in a more bustling space, and give the occasional mist if it’s looking droopy and dry.

Photo: DIY Ducklings

5. Lucky bamboo (Dracaena ​sanderiana)

Best for: a shady room challenged by bad feng shui

A member of the lily family, lucky bamboo grows in water and is known for its durability and highly ornamental quality thanks to its curly stalks. A good luck symbol, the number of stalks is said to determine the kind of energy the plant brings into your home. The more, the better, so keep it healthy and happy by keeping it out of direct sunlight and making sure the water level is always above the roots. Watch out for yellow stalks and leaves, which are a sign of rot and should be removed immediately. 

Photo: Moorepark Plantscapes
