Fridges, linen cupboards and wardrobes: Megan Morton's organisation havens

Megan Morton
November 26, 2021
For Megan Morton, domestic organisation always has represented our most valuable currency – time. Photo: Aimee Thompson

Are you watching those fridge organising videos on Facebook? Yes, me too. I find them soothing, envy-inducing and ridiculous all at once.

I’m more excited by the fact that people actually open their fridge and judge its assembly when I am just so happy there is actual food in mine.

With so much of our appetite satiated on social media, I’ve been watching so much food being made/sponsored/presented lately that sometimes I actually feel the sensation of being full.

My stomach is empty but my eyes are up to the gills in it, much like when I watch back-to-back tennis and feel a need for a quick shower and an energy drink.

The less we bring into our homes. the easier they are to maintain. Photo: Danil Korolev

Domestic organisation always has represented our most valuable currency – time.

For those luxuriating in it, a fridge organisational plan is proof you are forward-thinking; an adult privileged enough to enjoy your bounty and have the free time to arrange it.

I experienced this level of glee during lockdown round one but hated the guilt that came with this level of planning for a fridge. It was simply a waste of my organising energy because I am really all about the linen cupboard

I recently sold my house with “custom linen press labels” as a property highlight. Maybe the linen cupboard is your domain, too?

What I will say here is that there is nothing more maddening than seeing someone else cause a collapse of your linen press – an entire perfect miniature world.

Pre-pandemic, I’d often open the linen press at the end of a huge day.

It was a little reminder that there was a small cupboard, insignificant to anyone else in the family, where things were responsive to order, labelling and calm.

Less is more … more or less

Power over your wardrobe is another private triumph, but is usually followed by the disappointment of the upkeep from the person you share a robe with. Same as car organisers. From what I can see, they just offer more places for old bananas to decompose.

I wonder how many crumbs it will take in our collective cutlery drawers to remind us of those stolen moments during lockdown when all we had was each other, Zoom and a basic cleaning to-do list.

What are the things you found yourselves doing?

Time, the greatest asset of all, hand-in-hand with a clear and rested head, has shown us all that the less we bring into said fridges, robes and linen presses, the easier they are to maintain.

Less incoming, less mess, less stress, less plastic, less sorting and more time for the truly good stuff.

Megan Morton is a stylist, author and interior instructor.
