How to hold the best garage sale ever

October 17, 2017
Suburban yard sale, family moving out furniture

Be prepared

Preparation is everything when it comes to holding a garage sale; here are a few pointers to help make sure you’ve got all your bases covered.

The first step is deciding what’s worth selling. Anything that’s extremely valuable is probably better sold through a different forum – think Gumtree, eBay or dedicated buyers of collectibles. Anything that is irreparably damaged or dirty should probably just go straight in the bin. If you’re a secret hoarder, an empty-nester or about to move house, this can be an excellent opportunity to declutter.

Finding it hard to part with some items? Enlist the help of a trusted friend or family member, or even – if you really are a secret hoarder – a professional. If necessary, a quick Google search will point you in the right direction. There’s even an Australasian Association of Professional Organisers – a great resource for finding professional help in sorting the wheat from the chaff of household items.

Next, pick your date and advertise (well in advance) in as many forums as possible. Sure, the old piece of cardboard taped to a pole works wonders for people already out and about on a weekend morning, but if you really want to attract buyers from far and wide, make sure you advertise. This might mean placing an ad in a local paper or the Trading Post, posting on Facebook or Twitter, or just asking friends and family to spread the word.

If you are sticking with simple signage, think about positioning signs at heavily trafficked areas, such as local shops, sporting fields and major intersections. Make sure your signs are bright, eye-catching and, most of all, legible. There’s nothing worse than having to pull over to read a bedraggled scrap of paper, only to find you can’t tell the number 1 from a 7. It’s also worth listing on your sign or in your ad any items that are highly desirable or in demand.

Another essential element of preparation is making sure you have plenty of change, bags and even paper to wrap any fragile items in. And it’s a good idea to be ready for that knock on the door at 6 am, even when your signs clearly state that the sale starts at 7!

Be realistic

Your treasure may well be another man’s trash, or vice versa: don’t be too precious about things that may have sentimental value for you. Besides, if they are really that precious, then maybe you shouldn’t be selling them!

Know when to hold and when to fold: haggling is all part of the fun of a garage sale, but don’t get too carried away with negotiations. Potential buyers might be put off if you come across as aggressive.

Most of all, try to have fun! Remember that this is a great chance to spring-clean, make a bit of extra cash and – if you’re new in town, or just a bit shy – get to know your neighbours.
