'Not just plumping cushions': Designers share misconceptions about their industry

Zara McDonald
October 11, 2018
It's not just about design. Photo: Lucinda Kimpton Interiors Photo: undefined

For the creatively challenged, the design world can occasionally feel like an elusive space full of perfectly put-together rooms: an art form covering colour, space and style.

But there’s a group of an interior designers that wants to get rid of the mystery that surrounds the job.

From October 19 to October 21, the historic Como House in South Yarra will be reimagined by 26 eminent designers, who are looking to show off their work to those who may not understand it.

Here, three of the designers reveal the various misconceptions that surround the industry, and why an event like this one is important.

It’s not all about design

It's not just about design. It's project management, too. Design: Camilla Molders Design. Photo: Martina Gemmola Photo: undefined

According to Lucinda Kimpton, of Lucinda Kimpton Interiors, being an interior designer, surprisingly, is not just about design.

“The design side of executing a project from start to finish only entails approximately 30 per cent of the project time; we are also experts in the art of problem solving, communication, logistics, quality control, furniture moving, and psychology,” she says.

Camilla Molders, of Camilla Molders Design, concurs.

“We aren’t just about plumping cushions or just what the space looks like, though I will go to the grave defending the fabulousness of how a good, fluffed cushion really can change the feel of a space,” she says.

Feel is as important as looks

For her, interior design is as much about how a space feels as it looks.

It's about what a space feels like, too. Design: Alexander Pollock. Photo: Nicole England

“An interior designer is not just there to make a space look good, they are there to make a space feel good, too. The spaces that clients live in, work, eat or holiday have such a big impact on their psychology and need to be designed to make them feel good,” Molders says.

“Engaging an interior designer who can relate to your individual personality and aesthetic can really change your quality of life. I believe there is the right designer out there for every individual and the right individual for the designer, it’s about finding the right fit,” she says.

She says she’s not interested in “repeating” herself or “taking the easy way” when it comes to tackling a project.

“I  love the human side of really understanding their individuality. My home is where I exhale, I help my clients find their individual style that also helps them exhale and excel.”

It’s not just for the rich

According to the founder of Alexander Pollock, Aaron Wong, employing an interior designer is not just for those with wads of idle cash.

Aaron Wong says designers are not just for the rich. Design: Alexander Pollock. Photo: Nicole England

“A lot of people assume that interior designers are just for the rich. Interior designers are for everyone as we work within the client’s budget as long as it is realistic,” Wong says.

It’s about you, not them

Molders says more than anything, a good designer understands it’s all about you, and not just about the individual desire or vision of the designer.

“Good design involves really understanding the needs of the client and their lifestyle so that the end result is something that is suitable and functional to them,” she says.

“We need to really understand the needs of the space and the people who live within and design the space to suit them. There is so much emotion involved dealing with people’s personal spaces and that is a responsibility I don’t take lightly. I want to work with my client to create an individual space that suits them and their needs. I’m not going to walk into a room and say, ‘That’s hideous, it has to go’. ‘That’ might be someone’s treasured heirloom and something they cherish — its my job to work with ‘that’.”

Camilla Molders knows design is not about her. Design: Camilla Molders Design. Photo: Derek Swalwell Photo: undefined

For Wong, putting together an event like Como By Design is important because of these misconceptions.

“The interior design world may seem elusive to the everyday person. An event such as this brings together the design community to showcase to the wider community what interior designers have to offer and that it is very much accessible to anyone,” he says.

Molders, meanwhile, believes it’s a “brilliant platform for people to see what designers can do”, and “see how spaces really can make you feel”.

For more information on Como by Design and to buy tickets, visit their website.
