Recently, the groundsman at ELTHAM College discovered a series of holes that had been dug in the earth by a group of young students. Instead of becoming instantly upset about this new feature of the school’s campus, the groundsman investigated why they were there.
“The younger children were spoken to and they explained to their teachers that the holes were supposed to be ‘moon craters’, so the groundsman left the holes alone,” says the director of ELTHAM College Senior School, Lesley Moulin.
“That perfectly illustrates how all the staff, not only the teachers, are dedicated to supporting the children at our school.”
ELTHAM College’s education philosophy is to ensure young people can relate to the world, understand their effect on it and use their creativity to help shape it in positive ways. Students are encouraged to aim high in life, to continue learning, to build successful relationships and feel empowered to juggle the many different demands of 21st-century living.
“From ELC, the environment at ELTHAM College contributes to imagination, curiosity and asking good questions. Students take ownership of their learning,” says Eleni Goulas, the director of ELC and Junior School.
ELC students are part of the Bush Adventuring Program in which children might build a shelter or build a home for the native animals. Year 7 students work together in groups as part of the F1 in Schools program, in which they use their maths and science skills to design a racing car using a 3D printer.
Taking that learning experience one step further, the students also have to find sponsorship for their car and present their design to a panel. In Year 8, the curriculum is based around choice, and in Year 10, students are encouraged to become leaders and mentors by organising student-led assemblies.
The House Music program is also an opportunity for students to build confidence and to share their talents with the school community.
“The House Music program is our biggest house carnival and is held at Hamer Hall,” Moulin says.
“I remember a Year 10 girl who sang for the first time at a student-ed assembly and she sang a solo in front of her peers. Two years later she was on stage at Hamer Hall.
“The confidence she worked through and gained to go on stage and sing in that moment brought a tear to my eye.”
Female students are strongly supported across ELTHAM College, and recently, a Girls Forum was held to give teachers an opportunity to hear what else girls felt they needed to thrive at ELTHAM College.
“We listened and learned about what else they would like to see in the school and now the boys are asking us when their turn will come – and it will come,” Goulas says.
“Everyone has a voice here and it’s important to get the students’ perspectives and for them to inform us about their world, rather than us assuming we know what they need.
“The girls told us they feel they have equality and that they are never excluded from opportunities. They told us there is something for everyone at the school and that they have supportive teachers.
“They are also willing to step up as leaders in the school and to be role models for the younger students.
“When students leave our school, they are kind and resilient but that’s not just something that happens at the end of Year 12. They are kind and resilient every day here.”
Key details
Research Campus:
1660 Main Road,
Research, VIC 3095
City Campus:
Level 2, 398 Lonsdale Street,
Melbourne, VIC 3000
(03) 9437 1421
ELC to Year 12
Please refer to our website
75 (Average for 2021)