As adults we make around 35,000 choices every day. It’s inevitable that some of these will put your willpower to the test, like whether you have that slice of birthday cake at work. Or whether you order the burger and chips instead of the steak and salad at dinner. Thousands of these choices will also be made without even thinking.
There’s no denying that when it comes to losing weight, having the strength to say “no, thanks” is important. But just like any other human emotion, willpower isn’t always going to stick around. When you’re stressed, tired or time poor, even those with the strongest of willpower can find it goes right out the window. I’m always telling my clients that continually making the right choices comes down to a bit more than just your ability to say “no” but relies on a few other important factors in the lead up. So here a few strategies to help you make the right choice next time you’re faced with temptation.
When you’re making 35,000 choices every day, you don’t have time to contemplate every one. I’m always talking about the importance of putting healthy habits in place – these will become like second nature that you will fall back on without even thinking. So, think about turning any “sometimes” healthy behaviour in your routine into “all the time” habits.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again – failing to plan is planning to fail. If you know you’ll be in an environment where temptations are at an all-time high and that your willpower will be put to the test, make sure you’re well prepared and arrive satisfied. Having a balanced, protein-based meal will mean you’re much more likely to make the sensible choice when you spot that plate of party pies being passed around.
My nutrition philosophy has always been big on balance, and this means never making anything strictly off bounds. After all, when we tell ourselves we can’t have something it becomes even more tempting and rules are made to be broken, right? Think about making decisions rather than labelling anything as strictly good or bad. When faced with temptation, this will make your decision a lot easier; we know you could have it, you’re just choosing not to.
Stopping yourself from licking the plate clean is incredibly hard when there’s a big delicious pile of food in front of you. Avoid this by paying particular attention to your portions and not letting them get out of hand.
Remember the best way to avoid giving in to temptation? Don’t tempt yourself in the first place! Do yourself a favour and get rid of your chocolate stash and replace it with some healthy sweet alternatives (the Healthy Tam Tims on my program are my current obsession).
The reality is, we’re always going to be faced with tempting situations – that’s just life. As long as you focus on arming yourself with the tactics above, saying “no” and tackling any tempting situation head on will be easier than you think.