Maximise your under-bed storage with these simple steps

December 15, 2017

Author: Amy Revell on Houzz

When was the last time you delved under the beds in your home to see what was lurking under there? Could there be a monster hiding under your child’s bed? Or are you more likely to find some dust bunnies and half a dozen pairs of lost socks?

Whether you have a bedroom with heaps of storage, or not a wardrobe in sight, maximising under-bed storage is a great way to increase functionality in your bedrooms, and keep the space tidy.

Photo by thirdstone inc. [^]
1. Clear it out
You may dread it, but the first step to maximising the hidden space under your bed is to clear out anything that has become hidden underneath the bed by accident. Pull the bed out form the wall and grab a garbage bag, because in my experience 90 per cent of what you find under a bed is rubbish that has slipped under there and never been picked up. You may find the odd piece of clothing too, so pop them straight in the wash.

Photo by Jela

What you’ll also find, regardless of how much clutter is under there, is that beneath your bed is very dusty. This is normal, and the case in every home, so grab the vacuum and give it a good clean before putting the bed back into position.

Photo by Septembre

2. Decide what’s going back in
Now that you have a clear and clean space under the bed, let’s chat about what you might actually want to store in this space.

The ideal is to store things under the bed that you don’t need to access every day. You also want to store things under there that are easy to pull in and out as needed. In our home, we have a “memories container” under each of the kids’ beds. This is where special school work, artwork or mementoes are kept. This is only accessed when they want to either add something in, or when they are feeling nostalgic and want to go through and see the items inside.

Photo by Mina Brinkey

Another tip is to store bedlinen under the bed it belongs to. Many of my clients now do this and find the process of changing linen both quicker and easier. This is especially relevant if you have a smaller home and don’t have a large linen cupboard. It’s also very convenient when you have small children, because if you need to change sheets during the night, grabbing them from under the bed and knowing you instantly have the right-sized sheets is priceless.

Other items that suit being stored under beds are things such as toys or seasonal items that are accessed occasionally, but also need to be kept in larger storage containers so would otherwise take up a large space in a toy room or living area.

Photo by Chris Snook

3. Buy suitable containers
Once you’ve decided what you’ll keep under the bed, you can then invest in some suitable storage. There are some great under-bed storage solutions on the market that are the full width of a single bed, and therefore maximise your storage space. You want to focus on using containers that are lightweight and easy to grab and pull out when you need them, especially if they’re being used under children’s beds.

If you’re tempted to skip the containers and just store things loosely under the bed, I’ll just remind you of the amount of dust you vacuumed up when you started this job. You’ll also find that without containers, the mess under the bed will be impossible to control. Containers give you limits and also create a way to easily access what you are storing under there.

Photo by Mark Hickman Homes

4. Use it well
When you come across items that now belong in your under-bed storage, the temptation when you’re in a rush will be to put items on top of the container rather than take 30 seconds and put it inside. Make a decision to do the job well and it will ensure items avoid getting dusty; you’ll also keep the space organised rather than letting it return to clutter.
