Like the cover of a book, the street front view of your property is perceived to be a reflection of what is going on inside, so it’s a good idea to fix up anything that is a bit of a turn-off. Here are the most common issues and what you can do about them.
A huge eyesore at the front of the house is having the condenser unit of the air conditioner positioned front and centre for all to see. If possible, have it placed in a less obtrusive position around the side of the house. If this can’t be done, perhaps you can use a landscaping feature to conceal it. Another option is to mask it with a slat casing that blends with the colour of your house. It will still get sufficient airflow and it won’t be as conspicuous.
A house always looks better if you can’t see the downpipes from the front. A better option is to have them set to the side of your house so they’re barely visible from the street. If they must be at the front, you can make them less prominent by painting them to blend in with your exterior colour scheme.
Paint your downpipes to make them blend in. Photo: Stocksy
Even when reeled away garden hoses are not attractive. Re-position your hose around the side of the house where it will still be accessible, but won’t be so obvious.
Landscaping and gardens can be easily tidied up without too much expense, but if you’re constantly struggling to look after your garden, maybe it’s time for a change. For example, if you can’t maintain a hedge, consider pulling it out and replacing it with something you can manage. If you have a big tree that drops leaves or branches, it might be time to get rid of it or at least get it trimmed back.
If you can’t maintain a hedge, perhaps it’s smarter to get rid of it? Photo: iStock
An open carport without a garage door can sometimes become a dumping ground for miscellaneous items. A good fix for this is to make room for some actual storage. You can get lockable cupboards or chests that act as a neat and handy way to hide away odds and ends. Another option is to add a garage door and perhaps some slats on the sides.
If you’ve got an older driveway with a grass strip down the middle, it might be time for an update. This is an old-fashioned look and can be given a modern edge by pulling up the grass and putting down a combination of pavers and pebbles, or mondo grass.
Don’t forget to consider your driveway. Photo: iStock
If you only do one thing to the exterior of your property, then do the fence. An unsightly fence can detract from an otherwise attractive exterior so you should make this a priority. Whether you just give it a lick of paint or pull the whole thing out and start again, try and visually link it to the design of the house.
Generally speaking, if the fence is very high (over 1.8 metres), it can make your property look defensive, particularly when the house is close to the fence. Of course this depends on your particular property, but consider lowering the fence to the 1.2-1.5 metre mark so that it looks more inviting.
The front of your home is your showpiece to the world, so check for things like leaking gutters, peeling paint, trims that need painting, rusting gutters and general driveway maintenance. Get those sorted and before you know it, your property will go from eyesore to eye candy.
Jane Eyles-Bennett is one of Australia’s leading home renovation and interior design experts. She is an award-winning interior designer with more than 25 years’ experience designing the interiors and exteriors of homes, specialising in kitchens, bathrooms and living spaces.
Contact Jane at or via her website.