Sam Wood: 8 ways to exercise without needing a gym

Sam Wood
August 21, 2018
Photo: Caitlin Mills

When I first started my online fitness program, some people doubted whether I could have the same success with online participants as I do training with face-to-face clients. How very wrong they were!

The truth is, you don’t need to have access to an expensive studio, or even a gym, to achieve incredible results. Here are a few of my favourite exercises that you can do anywhere, any time and that won’t cost you an arm and a leg.

Interval running

Photo: iStock
Photo: iStock

I believe there’s a runner in all of us, and the good news is it’s an incredible workout for your body that can be done anywhere – I love to go for a run when I’m travelling as it’s a great way to explore a new city. You could also take it a step further by adding intervals to your run. Not only will you get more bang for your buck with less time required and more calories burnt, your body will continue burning calories after your workout has finished.

Body-weight burners

The best thing about body-weight exercises is that the options are endless and you don’t need any equipment. Body-weight exercises can be done in the kitchen, in a park or even in a hotel room. There really are no excuses not to work out!

To get the most out of your body-weight moves, pick ones that target multiple muscle groups. My favourite calorie-burning, body-weight exercises include:


Burpees are a huge calorie burner as they work your legs, chest and core and really get that heart rate going.

Jump Squats

Jump squats engage your lower body, especially those quads. Enjoy the heart rate spike and the leg burn.

Jump squats in the park. Photo: iStock
Jump squats in the park. Photo: iStock

Split Lunge Jumps

Lunges work your lower body but also help to improve your balance and co-ordination. Jumping to alternate each leg seriously gets your heart pumping.

Mountain Climbers

Mountain climbers target your obliques, glutes and hamstrings and the fast-paced motion delivers a solid workout. This is definitely an exercise I love to hate.


Push-ups are a simple (simple, not easy!) and effective upper body and core exercise with plenty of variations for an added challenge.


Running stairs is a great workout that pushes your heart rate to the max and works multiple leg muscles. Mix it up by running one step a time, then two and even three (safety permitting!). Jog down and allow your heart rate to drop slightly before going again.

Mat-based workout

You don’t always need to be dripping with sweat or gasping for air for your workout to be effective.

A lower-impact workout that works your whole body, a Pilates-style, mat-based routine can be incredibly effective. With compound movements that rely on multiple muscle groups, this helps you to work more than one area at once. Add in some isolation exercises to tone up target areas and feel that deep burn.

These workouts are included in my online programs and have become favourites among my 28ers because you can do them just about anywhere.

So, now that I’ve given you so many great options, you really have no excuse not to get active!
