Sam Wood's healthy tips for smarter snacking

Sam Wood
September 18, 2018
Fitness guru Sam Wood shares his fitness tips and advice.

Whenever I see clients who have been training hard, eating “healthy” foods, but not achieving the results they’re after, I take a good look at what they have really been putting in their mouth.

More often than not, I find that what they think are healthy choices are actually slowing down their progress. With so much clever marketing, it is no wonder that many people have been fooled into thinking that what they are eating or drinking is a “healthy product” when often, it simply is not.

Here are four examples for which a substitute could make all the difference between fast and slow progress.

Sam Wood Photo: Michael Rayner

Sports drinks \ This is one that I see too often and it always makes me cringe! Chugging down a Powerade after a session may feel great and give you that instant hydration and lift, but it’s important to remember that these drinks are made for athletes doing an enormous amount of physical activity. Do yourself a favour instead by re-hydrating with some good old H2O. My tip is to spice up your water bottle with a tasty combination of lemon and mint, or even chuck in a few berries if you crave a slightly sweeter (but all natural) drink post-workout.

Protein bars \ In the past few years there’s been plenty of hype about protein bars and while some of them can make a good snack eaten in moderation, always be careful of high sugar or salt content, or hidden ingredients like nasty unnatural additives and artificial sweeteners.

Remember – many of these bars are created with meal replacements in mind and are therefore seriously high in carbs. They also have a similar amount of calories to a Snickers. My top tip? Make your own muesli bars or protein balls – this way you know every single ingredient that you are putting into your body is a good one and isn’t going to slow your progress.

Fruit juice \ What could be healthier than packing seven fruits into one drink? Unfortunately, this misconception is one that I see too many people falling for. In fact, it was something that in my earlier days I used to drink too, thinking it was healthy. While a juice is OK when you need a good hit of vitamin C, I never recommend having a large glass along with your lunch or as a pick-me-up. This is simply because of the sugars that are jam-packed into them.

Juicing releases the sugars of fruit but gets rid of the fibre content, meaning that you’re better off just to eat the fruit as is. Try to stay away from store-bought juices in particular as an everyday choice –these often have unnecessary additives to extend their shelf life. Instead, opt for a homemade smoothie and pack it with more vegetables than fruit as a more filling and satisfying alternative.

“Healthy” cafe choices \ While the health food revolution has been incredible and has really encouraged people to take responsibility for what they put in their mouths, I often see cafes offering “healthy” options swimming in high-sugar sauces, too high in fat or in massive serving sizes.

My advice is to get to know the best healthy alternative at your favourite spot. Meal prep really comes into play here, because if you have a delicious and healthy meal waiting for you in the office fridge, there’s no way you’ll be heading out for a bite to eat at the cafe round the corner.

Let’s be real – none of the above examples are going to kill you! Just try not to make them an everyday occurrence and focus on eating real food, this way nothing will be able to stand in the way of your progress.
