Staying Home: How Myf Warhurst is spending her days in isolation

Jane Rocca
April 19, 2020
Myf Warhurst shares how she is navigating isolation. Photo: Carmen Zammit

Staying Home is a series of interviews with well-known Australians to learn how they are dealing with isolation and social distancing.

Radio personality and Eurovision host Myf Warhurst rewound the clock in the latest Spicks and Specks 2000s-themed episode that screened on the ABC on April 19.

The era is one that Warhurst loves to reminisce about. She was then in peak career mode at Triple J and went from being a successful radio personality to a TV legend when the music quiz show made its debut in 2005.

“That period was a huge time for me in terms of personal and professional development,” says Warhurst. “And these years had a great soundtrack too, full of many of my musical loves to this day.

Warhurst watched the special from home on the weekend. Photo: Carmen Zammit

“From Outkast to Beyonce and Kanye West to The Strokes and Jet, Amy Winehouse to Queens Of The Stone Age, it was a time when the musical world felt invigorated and fresh and brilliant music festivals were in full swing. It was a wonderful time to be a music fan.”

Warhurst watched the special from home on the weekend, and fondly recalled the making of such a cornerstone of Aussie television with her mates Adam Hills and Alan Brough.

“It’s strange to be looking at the show now, where we’re all sitting so close, touching and laughing heartily,” she says.

“It feels like it happened in another world, another time. So hopefully it [gave] everyone an injection of joy that they need in these isolation times.”

'I am definitely planning on having an almighty party when this lockdown is over.' Photo: Carmen Zammit

 Favourite room 

It’s the open-plan kitchen\living area at the back of my house. I live in a small terrace and this section has a lovely high ceiling that opens the place up with loads of light. It’s just a great, comfortable space that’s very lived in and full of warmth and memories of parties, family Christmases and good times.

I used to play a lot, these days, I’m not so great. Photo: Supplied

It’s also filled with my favourite things – books, records, and my rather ancient but wonderfully worn-in baby grand piano. I used to play a lot, these days, I’m not so great, but I don’t mind bashing out a tune if I’ve had a few, shall we say, confidence-boosters?

DIY project 

I had no idea that DIY was a great way to fend off those feelings of impending doom during a crisis! It’s no wonder our parents would toil around the house most weekends. I’ve recently stained the deck and back doors, painted the back fences, and given the whole backyard a snazzy-up.

It’s very satisfying to start something and see it finished when everything else is so uncertain. I also found a great little local Fitzroy paint company who have a fabulous range of colours and who deliver.

Where do you relax at home

Because my house is small, it’s no surprise that the bedroom is my place to relax with the telly on the wall and books beside the bed. Although sometimes it can get a bit crowed with two cats and my partner, so I’m thankful for my new king-sized mattress.

 Reading now 

The Weekend by Australian author Charlotte Wood. It’s a story that explores ageing and delves into a disparate group of women who are trying to reconnect after the death of their friend. It’s at times brutally honest and a gripping read.

I’m thankful for my new king-sized mattress. Photo: Supplied

Baking/making at home 

I love cooking. For me, it works as meditation and contemplation time. When I cook, I switch my brain to thinking only about cooking. In lockdown, I’ve rediscovered my old pasta maker at the back of the cupboard and am learning how to make fresh pasta again.

What are you planning next 

At this stage it’s hard to plan anything, as all my future work is up in the air, but I am definitely planning on having an almighty party when this lockdown is over. I miss seeing friends, but the small sacrifices we are making now are worth it.

 Latest home purchase 

I succumbed to the online ads and bought one of those mattresses that come delivered in a box. It’s fabulous. I wish I’d done it sooner. It makes this middle-aged lady feel like I don’t have a bad back every morning.

 Favourite time of day in isolation

Having a cheeky glass of wine while cooking is my idea of heaven.

I had no idea that DIY was a great way to fend off those feelings of impending doom during a crisis. Photo: Supplied

 Isolation survival tip 

Despite what you just read, go easy on the wine. Hangovers are still real when you’re stuck at home. I try to get outside at least once a day for a walk. It really does help. I’ve also taken to writing a list of things that need doing. Crossing stuff off that list is very satisfying when everything else feels a little uncertain.

Latest app discovery 

Audible. So far I have listened to books by Kitty Flanagan, Celeste Barber, and my I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out of Here buddy Tanya Hennessy. It’s been great to have the words of these wise, funny women in my ears in these wobbly times.
