Stylist Megan Morton shares how to bring to life your dream home

Megan Morton
December 10, 2021
Getting to know yourself deeply is the trick to knowing what your dream home is according to stylist Megan Morton. Photo: Trinette Reed Photography

Want to see your future dream house? Something that will make you happy forever? I suggest you take a look down memory lane to see what made your heart go a little faster in your formative years.

We might be a sad generation that looks at happy pictures, but we can’t stop looking.

A picture is worth more than a thousand words and, for some, it’s a trigger to action. As we all reach a point of visual saturation, I want to share something my sister and I base most of our life’s choices on.

It supersedes any algorithm and overrides any pendulum trend swing. A one-stop salve for interiors, but also clothing, perfume – any decision-making.

The theory is that there was a time in your life when you were the most you. Unburdened by life-changing responsibilities, adult decisions, peers and the internet as your fake north.

This moment will differ widely for all of us. For some it may have been fleeting, for others might still be there, hitting this very high.

Looking back to happy memories are key to knowing what you truly want according to Megan Morton.

My sister’s most her moments were when she was on the front page of the local newspaper for getting the highest TE (Tertiary Entrance) score for the year, using her beloved Red Door perfume, and getting a custom-made red business suit on her first posting to Singapore.

And so it’s no surprise she adores what I call “modern contemporary artsy” in her homes.

Mine is a very acute memory. It was the six-month window after my return from a year-long exchange in Los Angeles (that concluded in Mexico), and the reality of a new life in Australia sinking in.

I nearly fell off my chair with the familiar-new-old charm of it all – oversized flowers, patina without a care for provenance, and comfortable rooms spatially set out in a way a dog was likely to find your lap easily on an obligation-free Sunday afternoon.

My tastes have since changed. My homes have absorbed and rejected so many things.

I enjoy watching younger designers fall for the softness of a Roman blind in a washed linen, lighting from the early ’80s and sofa shapes that repel the blockiness we have become accustomed to. I love these things because first time around they were souvenirs of good taste, a reward for hard work.

The key to knowing what you might want in the future is remembering what you liked when you were at your most free, when you were following your harmonious thread of joy.

There is no surprise this is usually the time you are without a mortgage.

So, before you commission an interior designer, go down a Pinterest rabbit hole or leave an enquiry with an architect, take the time instead to re-live the time you were the best you. The things that you were surrounded by, when you felt at your best, may be the best way forward for a satisfying future home.

Megan Morton is a stylist, author and interior instructor.
