The Block's Dylan and Jenny in hysterics over their huge blunder as the teams go head-to-head in a Nosy Neighbours challenge

Nicole Douglas
August 17, 2022

During Episode 7 of The Block, the teams had a break from creating their guest bedrooms and met Shelley Craft and Scott Cam for a chance to win $5,000 in cash.

Property expert Alice Stolz was on-site for the Domain challenge, which saw teams ask an abundance of questions as they toured three properties in the area whose residents had all moved from the city for a tree change.

Shelley announced that the task was titled the “Nosy Neighbours challenge”, and that the winner would be announced following a quiz at the end of the task.

“Being a sticky beak will be an advantage!” Scotty said.

Scott Cam, Domain's Alice Stolz and Shelley Craft announced the challenge in Episode 7. (Nine)

While some teams thrived at the challenge, one team – Dylan and Jenny – got the wrong end of the stick completely.

It all started off quite well as the Blockheads arrived at House 1, which was resided in by Gary, Wendy and their daughter Sydney.

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The house was set in the heart of Macedon, and the land included a large equestrian area and stables.

Tom and Sarah-Jane were the first to arrive, and were more than happy to ask as many questions as possible to the owners.

“I’m nosy by nature, you don’t have to worry about me!” Sarah-Jane gushed.

The couple did well, and asked a number of queries about different aspects of the house, whether there was heating or if the residents worked from home.

But they didn’t ask about the cost of the equestrian facility, with Tom later telling the camera: “Who asks somebody how much they pay for a house? You don’t go into people’s houses sniffing through their undies, it’s a bit rude!”

Meanwhile, Ankur and Sharon admitted they had a huge advantage when it came to the challenge – her background starring on the popular soap, Neighbours.

“My character was the nosiest on the show. She ran the café in Erinsborough, and knew everybody’s business,” Sharon told the camera.

And she was certainly right, as she asked an abundance of questions about the house and the cost of the equestrian facility without hesitation.

Rachel and Ryan decided to do a “hot shot 20 questions” to the family, noting down all of their answers in their mobile phone.

Omar and Oz weren’t quite as confident with their approach, and feared they would come across as “too rude” should they pry too much.

Finally, it came to Dylan and Jenny to try and learn as much as possible about the home.

But the duo didn’t seem to grasp the concept of the challenge, and started asking “all the wrong” questions to the bewildered residents.

“We didn’t ask anything about what the house got sold for,” Dylan later laughed to the camera.

“Jen goes, ‘How often do you go over for wine to your neighbour’s house, Wendy?'”

Dylan and Jenny got the complete wrong end of the stick during the challenge. (Nine)

While wandering around the property, Jenny also glanced around the room and said, “Are there any clues in the bathroom? I feel like they’re going to ask what the horse names were.”

“We were way off the mark!” the couple later giggled hysterically to camera.

In House 2, the teams visited a retired doctor named Mudvee who resided in an 11-acre property complete with an olive grove and stables.

Tom and Sarah-Jane were just as impressive with their questions in the second house, as were Rachel and Ryan and Ankur and Sharon.

Oz and Omar were also a little better the second time around, as they told the camera: “We were nosy enough to get the right answers!”

Even Dylan and Jenny asked a few more helpful questions in House 2, and concluded that the property was a “very nice home”.

But in House 3 – a lovely old cottage surrounded by beautiful gardens – the couple went back to their old ways, and assumed that Scott and Shelley would be trying to trick the teams when it came to the quiz.

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“There were magazines open on the table…” Dylan told the camera after their visit. “We were dissecting it, thinking there was going to be a hidden question in there!

“Jen was reading the Women’s Weekly going, ‘Is this page open for a reason?'”

After visiting all three properties, the teams went head-to-head in a quiz to see who knew the most about the properties.

And in a major twist, Scotty revealed that the winners would not only nab $5,000 in prize money, but also a coveted Gnome which can be played at a Room Reveal. When played it grants the team a bonus point, potentially allowing them to snatch the win.

Sadly for Dylan and Jenny, no questions came up about what was in the magazines in House 3, and after an intense battle it was Ankur and Sharon who took the win.

“I was actually celebrating even getting a point, because that’s how much the small wins mean to me. I just don’t want to be a loser!” Sharon confessed after the challenge.

This article was originally published by Reproduced with permission.
