The so-called “Great Resignation”, in which employees across the globe are quitting their jobs and rethinking their careers, was one
of the unexpected outcomes of the pandemic.
Extended lockdowns, which opened up the possibility of remote working as a viable alternative to the daily commute, have also prompted a sharp rise in people heading, literally, for the hills.
Time in social isolation has also forced a rethink of priorities. What’s really important to me? What kind of lifestyle do I want to be living? These resulting career and tree changes mean families are moving and children are switching schools.
“One of the best things about making a change in 2022 is that everything really is rebuilding and reforming; it’s probably one of the best times to transition from a social perspective,” says Toorak College principal Kristy Kendall, adding that we’ve all shared the same experience of lockdown.
“So, coming into a new year, after a period like that, everyone is absolutely more open to inviting those friendships, inviting those new opportunities.”
However, Kendall says Toorak College, located on the Mornington Peninsula, welcomes new students year-round: “Any time is the right time to start,” she says, adding that, while a lot of focus is always given to year 12, “every school year is important”.
“Childhood is where they have such capacity to stretch. It’s where they develop their own sense of self-worth, and you want an environment to help them do that.”
Clinical psychologist Mary Spillane, a mental health expert working with meditation and mindfulness leader Headspace, cautions that if a student finds themselves at a school where “the curriculum doesn’t quite meet their needs”, there can be longer-term consequences.
“When a child is not seen or heard, typically, they start to think there’s something that’s not right about them and can start to develop some issues around confidence and self-esteem,” she says.
Spillane says that speaking to other parents at a prospective new school, asking around about the school’s reputation, attending open days and talking to teachers and the principal are all ways to determine what the best option will be.
When contemplating a switch, she advises letting your child know as early as possible that change is afoot, so they have time to adjust. Keeping them involved in the process is also really important.
“Try to involve the child as much as possible in the decision-making [to] help give them a sense of ownership and control over what’s happening.”
Toorak College’s Kendall says the best approach for parents is to ask if their child can attend the prospective new school for a day.
“[A student] can then see for themselves, ‘How did the girls treat me? What were the teachers like? Was it exciting as the time passed? Does this look different than my experience or what I thought a school could look like?’
“That’s what we hear a lot from students that come to Toorak: ‘I didn’t know that you could be proud of getting great maths results, and you didn’t have to hide them.’”