What is Airbnb Plus and how can you get your property listed on it?

Megan Blandford
March 13, 2018
Does your Airbnb listing meet the 100-point quality checklist? Photo: Airbnb Plus Melbourne listing

In official language, Airbnb describes its latest innovation, Airbnb Plus, as “a new tier of homes on Airbnb that have been verified for quality and comfort”.​ But what does that mean exactly?

Well, the service, which launched on February 22, has a selection of more than 2000 carefully chosen listings in 13 cities. There are about 145 listings in Melbourne and 137 in Sydney, but none in other parts of Australia yet.

Airbnb Australia manager Sam McDonagh says, “We’re aiming to have 75,000 listings in more than 50 cities by the end of 2018”.

The key point of difference when booking an Airbnb Plus property – which can be an entire home or private room, but not a shared room – is that you know it’s passed a 100-point check.

A peek at one of 137 “Plus” listings in Sydney​. Photo: Airbnb Plus Sydney listing

The checklist ensures that the property is comfortable, well-equipped, well-maintained and thoughtfully designed. It covers big things like offering guests an easy check-in and a clean house, and also drills down to the tiny things that make a big difference to the accommodation experience.

For example, the property needs to have “a neutral or pleasant aroma in every room”, “at least eight clothing hangers” and “at least two sets of plush towels, hand towels, and washcloths per bathroom”.

All of this is verified and photographed in an Airbnb property inspection, before a listing is approved in the Plus tier.

Airbnb Plus properties appear in a standard search, with a special “Plus” label clearly visible. They are then optimised to appear at the top of your searches in relevant cities.

Does your bathroom comply with the requirements? Photo: Airbnb Plus Melbourne listing

Beautiful design is now at the forefront

According to Airbnb, a thoughtfully designed home that deserves the Plus label has flow, beautiful photographs and art, and personal touches that reflect the host’s personality.

“Visually, guests want to be in a place that flows, has a consistent aesthetic, thoughtfully arranged furniture and personality,” says McDonagh.

“One of the things we hear from guests is that people don’t want to feel like they’re living among someone else’s stuff. They want to feel they’ve walked into a space that is ready for them to live in and is thoughtfully designed, and that makes them feel better about themselves.

“Airbnb Plus is about quality, comfort and luxury.”

Guests don’t want to feel like they’re living among someone else’s stuff​. Photo: Airbnb Plus Sydney listing

What is it like having an Airbnb Plus rating?

Sarah Leslie owns an apartment in Melbourne’s CBD, which she bought two years ago specifically to list on the platform.

Her property was selected to be in the first round of Airbnb Plus listings.

“They sent someone to our property to take photos and complete the checklist,” Leslie says. “They identified some little things that we needed to update or add; these were minor things like having a corkscrew and salt and pepper in the kitchen.

“They also helped us with the listing, giving us five options for a new title for our listing.”

Airbnb Plus properties appear with a special “Plus” label clearly visible​. Photo: Airbnb Plus Melbourne listing

The big question, of course, is whether being listed as an Airbnb Plus property makes a difference to the number of bookings achieved.

Leslie says it’s early days (at the time of writing, the Plus platform had been live for two weeks), but all signs are positive.

“We took four bookings in the first 12 hours of Airbnb Plus’s launch, and bookings and inquiries have continuously been coming in since then.

“The people who are booking aren’t trying to negotiate the price, either, as people have in the past.”

 The “Plus” platform​ helps attract more bookings to listings. Photo: Airbnb Plus Melbourne listing

If you want to get your Airbnb property listed within the Plus tier then your property needs to be the cream of the crop.

“You need to be one of our best reviewed listings (with a rating of more than 4.8 stars), you need to have accepted 95 per cent of reservations, and you can’t have cancelled any listings in the last 12 months,” McDonagh says.

“There is a one time application fee of $US149, which covers the new services that are provided to hosts including the verification process, interior design consultation and priority email service.”

Tips to get your property on Airbnb Plus, from Leslie:

  • “Take some creative licence by giving your property some personality; they commented that ours was unique, colourful, vibrant and had character.”
  • “Go through the checklist first and make sure you’ve addressed everything on it. Look at the finer details, go a little bit further to make it stand out.”
  • If you get an inspection to become an Airbnb Plus property, make sure your place is sparkling clean for the photos that will be taken.

Does your Airbnb listing meet the 100-point quality checklist? Photo: Airbnb Plus Sydney listing
