Winter is coming: the pros and cons of winter spent at home

Pauline Morrissey
October 17, 2017
The simple, pure joy of slipping on some woolly socks, amiright? Photo: Stocksy

Some people dream of an endless summer, but for me, I’m officially done with the heat. There have been too many back-to-back nights where I’ve been tempted to pick a fight with my partner before bed, just to avoid skin-on-skin contact. Enough is enough. However, before we roll out that extra fluffy blanket, it’s important to remember that just like summer, winter comes with its own set of pros and cons – and they go something like this …


PRO: The thought of bed during any mundane day is tempting enough, let alone the thought of bed when it’s freezing outside. Sleeping suddenly upgrades from being this thing you try and get at least eight hours of every night, to a full-blown nightly snuggle party. 

CON: Get ready to use and abuse that snooze button like never before. That’s great that you enjoyed your snuggle party last night, but good luck getting out of bed this morning, and getting to work on time.


PRO: Good news… you get to turn your clock back and treat yourself to what feels like an extra hour of sleep.

CON: But here’s the bad news … whatever plans you had after work or study you need to go ahead and cancel it. It’s far too dark by 5pm, so just go on home, there’s nothing out there for you. 


PRO: An array of activities become that little bit more enjoyable during winter. Sipping on your morning coffee becomes more of a delight, inviting friends over for a dinner party feels much more intimate, and the world can suddenly feel like a better place just by slipping on some fluffy socks before bed. 

CON: Winter makes the easiest tasks seem that much harder – like, you know, walking outside.


PRO: If you’re more of a stay-in person, rather than a go-out type – there’s less guilt and FOMO involved during winter.

CON: You stay home so much you begin to forget what your friends, or other humans in general, look like.


PRO: There’s no better feeling than cranking up the heating and getting cosy for a night in catching up on all those TV shows you’ve been meaning to watch.

CON: Opening up your next heating bill.


PRO: Summer feels like a lifetime away, this means you have more time to work on that beach body.

CON: But then you think to yourself – how could I possibly workout? It’s too cold in the morning, it’s too dark at night. I think I’m catching a cold from these freezing, inhumane temperatures. I can’t find matching socks … now onto a more important topic – what’s for dinner?
