Australia has a critical shortage of social housing and governments would save millions with their own building blitz rather than outsourcing construction to a separate authority, a new report shows.
Across the country, there is a deficiency of 433,000 houses and units for those who need social housing, and an increasing demand for them means 36,000 need to be built every year for the next two decades, according to an Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute study released on Thursday.
The report found governments across Australia had only funded about 3000 new units per year but 15,000 were needed to prevent the existing shortfall from worsening.
Report co-author Dr Laurence Troy, a research fellow at the University of New South Wales’ City Futures Research Centre, said there were myriad reasons for investing in social housing.
“We should be investing like we invest in schools and roads. It’s vital for the functioning of our economy,” he said. “By not having people in secure housing, it puts pressure into other parts of government systems, into the health system, for example. If you’re keeping people in secure housing, they’re less likely to rely on other government assistance services.”
The report found that the total need for social housing into 2036 was greatest in Sydney and Melbourne in terms of sheer numbers, but Queensland outside greater Brisbane was close behind.
The authors said greater subsidies were needed to cover the costs associated with building so many more properties and that the government needed to return to the building levels it had post-World War II, when one in seven houses built was public housing.
“How do we go back to that? Part of it is making funding available to support the building of housing,” Dr Troy said.
“This is not like building a road where your user base is a bunch of motorists who can pay for it. This is a group of people whose incomes come from government pensions. The gap between the rent they can pay and what is charged needs to be supported by government.”
Fellow report author Dr Julie Lawson, from RMIT University, said the best way to address the impending social housing shortfall was direct investment from government, alongside cost-effective financing and “purposeful” land policies.
“It is simply much more cost-effective for governments to invest directly in the medium to long term – the deeper the capital investment, the lower the reliance on private finance and hence the operating subsidy,” she said.
Dr Lawson said mission-driven organisations, which are tax-exempt and have to re-invest their surplus into other affordable housing, are common for public housing projects in New Zealand, Canada and large parts of western Europe. She said these meant governments could do much more, including being able to build in response to need, as well as promoting design innovation and improve energy efficiency.
“Housing assistance is not fairly allocated between investors, home owners and tenants,” she said. “Subsidies, either directly as a grant or rent assistance or indirectly as a tax exemption benefit investors and existing owners, to the detriment of new purchasers and tenants.”