Boom times are over for house prices

Simon Johanson
October 16, 2017
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Back then, real estate records tumbled as increased migration, first home owners’ grants and declining stock levels put real heat into – some say overcharged – the market.

Recent official figures back up private sector statistics that show prices flatlined in the latter half of 2010, with little real growth in the December quarter.

Capital city house prices rose just 0.7 per cent in the three months to the end of the year, up 5.8 per cent on the year overall, according to the Bureau of Statistics.

The ABS figures included a revision of house price gains for the September 2010 quarter; instead of a slight gain of 0.1 per cent, they showed prices actually dropped 0.3 per cent.

These are not inspiring numbers for any home owner wanting to sell for capital gain. And they are not likely to change any time soon.

Analysts suggest affordability pressures and the spectre of further rate increases this year on top of the four rate increases in 2010 will keep a lid on prices.

“The RBA’s four interest rate hikes in 2010, which were topped up by a fifth via the banks, conspired to snuffle out capital growth [last year] … Indeed, the capital city housing market very clearly peaked in May 2010, and remains below this point today,” RP Data-Rismark’s managing director, Christopher Joye, said.

Alongside this, the National Australia Bank’s December 2010 quarterly survey of property industry professionals has them forecasting a 0.5 per cent fall in national house prices over the next 12 months. Others, too, are leaning towards the ”stagnation” or decline view.

Saul Eslake, The Age columnist and Grattan Institute program director, says the scrapping of first home buyers’ grants, higher interest rates and the jump in prices has made housing less affordable.

Nevertheless, he says, there probably won’t be many forced sellers in the housing market. Instead, turnover is more likely to drop than the price you pay when the auction hammer falls.

”To the extent that house prices, incomes and interest rates are out of alignment with one another, and they probably are to some extent, equilibrium is likely to be restored by an extended period of sideways movement in house prices.”

(For ”sideways” read: no growth.)

And as Commonwealth Bank points out, the latest home sales data hasn’t helped, clearly adding weight to the view that the housing sector is effectively going nowhere.

”New home sales eased just marginally in December, but activity over the past six months has slumped by more than 11 per cent and is holding at levels that are well below historical averages,” the banks says.

”Looking forward, it is likely that housing activity will remain subdued. The increase in borrowing costs will result in more hesitancy by home buyers and property developers to commit to new projects. And, as such, the housing sector is likely to see further consolidation in coming months.”

Some are more optimistic.

A recent ANZ report on the housing market’s overvaluation suggests the shadow higher interest rates cast over the housing market last year has created expectations of further price weakness this year.

But this perception will be short-lived, it says.

”Sentiment towards the housing market, while expected to remain subdued over 2011, will be supported to a considerable degree by a relatively benign economic backdrop.”

Dr Andrew Wilson, an economist with Fairfax Media-owned Australian Property Monitors, suggests the softening of price growth in the December quarter was the result of fewer people wanting to buy and a lot more properties for sale.

But Dr Wilson predicts things will stabilise this year with modest growth for most capital city housing markets. Sydney, in particular, is expected to lead with growth beginning by mid-year.

These views are at odds with the Demographia International Housing Affordability Survey released last month.

The survey, which ranks Sydney and Melbourne among the least affordable cities in the world on a household income to price basis, has sparked another round of debate about Australia’s housing bubble and speculation of a drop in prices.

The volatile experience of housing markets in England, America and Ireland is not something to be taken lightly. House prices here can’t keep going up forever and any debate that provides a reality check for overoptimistic purchasers and keeps downward pressure on prices isn’t a bad thing.

Surging dwelling stock levels, a drop in mortgage borrowing and poor auction clearance rates (about 50 per cent now compared with 80 per cent for the same time last year) suggest buyers are erring on the side of caution and being more hard-headed about their commitments.

Whether this will translate into a significant slide in prices remains to be seen.

Early signs suggest vendors who dipped their toe unsuccessfully into the selling waters are more likely to withdraw their property from sale, rather than take a significant hit on price.

The broader economic pressures that might force them to sell – a falling sharemarket or rising unemployment rates – simply aren’t there.

Barring any major shocks to the global financial system and in particular China, Australia’s housing market looks set to remain stable, rather than show much growth, this year.
