A development application that could pave the way for redevelopment of the former West Deakin Hellenic Bowling Club site has been lodged with the ACT Planning and Land Authority.
The application has sought approval for a Crown lease variation of the Kent Street block, which could see the suburb’s business precinct expand.
The 15,574-square-metre site at 50 Kent Street was purchased by developer Hawkesbury Nominees in 2014.
The company also owns the adjacent site, which is occupied by Equinox Business Park. The DA has requested a lease variation to consolidate both blocks.
Together, the blocks are in excess of 3.2 hectares.
According to the DA’s statement against the criteria, Hawkesbury Nominees hopes to “build on the success realised on the adjacent land that it develops and manages”.
The DA noted the proposed consolidation of the sites would be an important step in expanding the successful business precinct.
The club site is within a CZ2 business zone. It is on the fringe of the Deakin office precinct, an “out of formal commercial centre” employment hub, as recognised in both the National Capital Plan and territory plan.
Kent Street, however, provides a good connection to Woden and the city, as well as public transport networks, which the DA acknowledged makes the location a good fit for a commercial interests.
“The success associated with the adjoining Equinox development demonstrates the underlying need and likely future interest in the establishment of campus-style business park in this location and an extension of this (or a similar) offering, is likely to be popular with future businesses and users,” the DA said.
Specific plans for the site have not been revealed, with the DA stating that “the proposal merely seeks to reposition the lease to facilitate and better position the site for consideration of future re-use”.
The West Deakin Hellenic Bowling Club closed its doors in December 2014, and had been operating since the late 1940s.