First-home buyers urged to act on apartments as boom looms

Emily Power
January 9, 2025

In a society built on the quarter-acre block dream, Aussie apartments have played second fiddle to a house in the hearts and minds of some buyers.

Fresh data will flip that perception.

A forecast of capital growth for apartments in three major cities equal to – or more than – that of houses, presents an opportunity for entry-level buyers who are ready to move now, Domain’s property expert says.

First-home buyers have been put on alert, especially in Brisbane, where an apartment price spike is expected by Domain to out-pace house price growth this year.

SOLD - $880,000
1205/90 Berrima Street, Wynnum QLD 4178
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The shifting 2025 market opens the door for budget-sensitive buyers to get a foothold and later reap some financial gains.

The two have not always gone hand-in-glove.

This equity can later be leveraged into a house, Domain’s chief of economics and research Dr Nicola Powell says.

According to Domain’s End of Year Wrap, house prices in Brisbane are anticipated to go up 5 to 7 per cent this year, but units are forecast to lift 7 to 9 per cent.

It is the only market were unit prices will outperform houses.

In Perth and Adelaide, units and houses are expected to grow in price on par. Domain expects 8 to 10 per cent unit and house price growth in Perth and 7 to 9 per cent for both property types in Adelaide.

SOLD - $1,200,000
148/53 Vernon Terrace, Teneriffe QLD 4005
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Dr Powell says it has been a rough ride for first-home buyers in 2025, but upcoming movements in the market may play in their favour.

“I think this is the unique aspect of 2025,” Dr Powell says.

“Historically with houses you get better rates of capital growths compared to units, but what we are forecasting is Brisbane is expected to see units out-perform houses.

“In other cities we are anticipating units to see the same amount of gross growth as houses, and that is quite unusual because you do tend to find that houses outperform units.”

SOLD - $780,000
6/42 Latimer Street, Holland Park QLD 4121
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Dr Powell says this enables equity and longer-term plans for buyers to factor in.

“I do think there is an opportunity for first-home buyers (of apartments) to actually see the benefits of capital growth,” she says.

“Obviously when you purchase your home you want to see that that equity growth, and you want to see that that price increase, and that’s you how make steps on the property ladder.

“Units are much more affordable and you can get you closer to the city. It allows you to gain access to the market sooner cause they’re obviously a much lower price compared to houses.”
