Holiday retreat is an open-and-shut case

Jane Burton Taylor
October 16, 2017
Diamond beach house

James and Sue O’Sullivan owned a block of land on the mid-north coast for three years before they finally decided what they were going to build. The turning point came when they visited friends staying in the holiday house of the architects Shane Blue and Rachael Bourne at Seal Rocks.

After spending time in the architects’ house, the couple realised how well it could potentially work for them. They decided they wanted one just like it, or at least to use it as a prototype and then add a few significant tweaks to make it a bit more comfortable and larger, to fit their own family.

The site

James invited Blue to come and have a look at their block at Diamond Beach, about a 30-minute drive up the coast from Seal Rocks.

‘‘We had a budget and the brief was for a house for two large families; we have five children ourselves,’’ James says. ‘‘We were happy with single level and we wanted plenty of nooks, where you could get away from the activity of the house.’’

The O’Sullivans’ land is a large, flat block, back from the beach and with a playing field as a neighbour, so the model of a courtyard house that turns inward for its views worked perfectly for the site and family.

The design

Blue designed a rectangular-shaped house, raised about a metre above ground level and with a generous central courtyard.

All rooms open to this private outdoor space with a living room and one bedroom on the long northern side and a mirror bedroom plus two children’s bunk rooms opposite. The breezeways, which connect to the encircling bush, are cut into each side of the house and two of them are strung with hammocks.

One of these breezeways has a timber ramp and serves as the entry.

Walking into the house for the first time, you experience it in lockdown mode. Sliding screens lock off the breezeways at the outer perimeter, larger floor-to-ceiling screens separate the courtyard and interiors of the house. As Blue opens the screens, rolling them back one by one to stack against internal walls, the house opens and completely transforms in character.

Indian summers

The idea for the screens, which are made of perforated corrugated zinc, is that they allow the owners to secure the house when they are not there and for sun and rain protection, privacy and changing the mood of the house, opening and closing it in varying degrees.

It was an idea that originated with James. He says he and Sue visited India and he was taken with the way screens were used in the Red Fort and the Taj Mahal.

‘‘There are these carved white marble screens; it is that idea of being indoors and looking out and not being able to see well on the dark side of the screen,’’ he says. ‘‘It struck me as a beautiful way to view something.’


Another of the adjustments James says they wanted to make on the Bourne Blue prototype was to create an undercover space, so the family could walk under shelter when moving around the house.

‘‘We were experimenting with circulation,’’ Blue says. ‘‘They basically have a space where you walk around under the eaves or roof and the screens run at the edge of this. So when the screens are open you are under cover; when they are closed you are walking in an internal corridor.’’

There are lots of places to unwind in, including protected outdoor spaces – the most peaceful of these being the two breezeways with hammocks.

The breezeway off the living room is a popular spot, too. It has a barbecue and a dining table identical to one in the adjoining open-plan kitchen and living space.

James says when they have a big family event they pull the inside table out onto the deck and everyone eats at one long table.

For the O’Sullivans, the house meets all the functional aspects of their initial brief. It fulfils and finesses the more-subtle aesthetic aspects they had admired in Bourne and Blue’s house as well: in particular, a sense of being able to keep an eye on family.

‘‘Part of the holiday experience is to observe what family and friends are doing,’’ James says. ‘‘We wanted to create a space that allowed you to do that.’’


To build a holiday house for a large family and friends.

Time frame

One year.

Favourite features

She: The fact it is so incredibly liveable and aesthetically pleasing, too.

He: The ability to relax in one part of the house but still have a filtered view of what the children or guests are doing in another part.

Green points

Rainwater tanks.

Photovoltaic cells.

Concrete floor in living space for thermal mass.

Low-toxicity paints.

Courtyard design means you can sleep with the doors open because the perimeter can be locked.

Solar hot water.


Find an architect who will listen to you.


Bruce Brown of Sugar Creek Building Company.


Bourne Blue Architecture, 4929 1450.
