Home building in Perth continues to sag

Andrew Wilson
October 16, 2017
Both housing and unit building approvals fell in 2015. Photo: Erin Jonasson

Housing market activity in Perth remains subdued with the level of new home building continuing to decline.

The latest ABS data reports that just 1185 houses were approved for building in Perth over December – the lowest monthly total recorded since February 2013.

The number of building approvals for houses fell by 2826 or 13.9 per cent over 2015 compared to the previous year – down from 20,288 to 17,462.

Last year’s total was the lowest annual result recorded since 2012 when 12,518 houses were approved for building in Perth.

Unit development is also on the slide following a recent period of strong activity. The ABS reports that 367 units were approved for building over December just ahead of November’s total of 351. These were the lowest monthly totals recorded since May 2014.

Last year 7389 units were approved for building, a fall of 354 or 4.6 per cent below the 7743 approved over the previous year.

Housing construction is an important contributor to the Perth economy that is relying upon other economic drivers to take up the slack following the recent downturn in the mining sector.

Despite recent weakening, Perth continues to build the third highest number of houses of all the capitals behind only Melbourne and Sydney.

This week the Reserve Bank met for the first time for the year and predictably determined that interest rates would remain at the record low level of 2 per cent over February. Official interest rates have been on hold now for nine months following the cut last May. Although dark clouds are gathering around the global economy the Reserve Bank is likely to continue with its current wait and see approach on rate settings.

A likely trigger for a near term cut in rates by the bank would be a sustained deterioration in the labour market with the unemployment rate rising above 6 per cent. The current national unemployment rate stands at 5.8 per cent and has now been below 6 per cent for three consecutive months. This provides the Reserve Bank with some quiet confidence for a relatively stable short term local economic outlook.

Despite steady official rates the likelihood nonetheless remains that banks will follow up last year’s increase in mortgage rates both to investors and owner-occupiers reflecting recent policy changes by the financial regulator.

Dr Andrew Wilson is Domain Group Chief Economist Twitter@DocAndrewWilson
