'It changes you': Why former NASA worker and late owner Basil Borun dubbed this home 'Night Sky'

Paul Best
April 13, 2023
“It feels ancient and modern at the same time.” Photo: Brett Boardman

“Wow.” There, I said it. Even though I had thought not to.

Particularly as agent Marcus Lloyd-Jones of Modern House warned me, this is pretty much how all visitors react entering the Peter Stutchbury Architecture-designed house, sitting on a modest suburban block, in the NSW township of Blackheath, high in the Blue Mountains.

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But the winner of the 2021 Robin Boyd Award for Residential Architecture – Houses (New) unwittingly catches you off guard.

I also do exactly what everyone does, despite being told. My eye traces the fireplace flue up 7.5 metres to the dizzying apex of a parabolic brick vault – an arresting piece of design and construction – before instantly tracking sideways.

There, staring me in the face, is a second ingenious eye-catcher: a 3.5 by 2.5-metre unglazed elliptical skylight, known in architectural circles as an oculus, set into the curved ceiling.

Immediately, the steel cover retracts theatrically revealing a clear, blue sky, flooding the house’s main living-dining-kitchen areas with light. Framed in the opening, too, is the moon, funnily enough.

Night Sky was designed by Peter Stutchbury Architecture. Photo: Brett Boardman

Which is an apt reminder that the skylight is primarily in place for stargazing – a request by the late owner, Basil Borun, an astronomer, engineer, student of architecture and perennial tinkerer, who built the house – dubbed Night Sky – in 2020.

Suffering from diabetes and confined to a wheelchair, the one-time NASA employee would gaze through the oval skylight, tilted 20 degrees south to capture his favourite constellations in the Milky Way.

“We spent more time on the size and location of the opening in the roof plane than any other design feature,” says lead architect Peter Stutchbury.

“The room radically changes between night and day.” At night, he indicates the sky permeates the room. During the day, like today, the sun edges from surface to surface, like a sundial.

Native gardens surround the home and add to the historic feel. Photo: Brett Boardman

Project architect Fernanda Cabral says the unconventional parabola was Borun’s choice. “It was his favourite form, inspired by a strong memory of a munitions bunker in Romania,” she says. “His father was Romanian, his mother Ukrainian.”

Standing beneath the soaring vault, you can’t help but be moved. It’s not unlike standing inside a cathedral, allowing the space and volume to slowly wash over you. Stutchbury confesses he, too, was taken aback by the “spiritual effect of the building”.

“It feels ancient and modern at the same time,” offers Lloyd-Jones, suggesting it’s also reminiscent of a medieval castle, old Middle-Eastern grain store or railway arch.

Certainly, there is a rawness to the material palette – brick, concrete, timber and brass – sublimely put together by Mark Tan, of Dimark Constructions.

The light changes the room's feel throughout different times in the day. Photo: Brett Boardman

For me, it feels like I’m stepping into a storybook with a mystical character in a magical setting at its heart.

In contrast to the dramatic arrival are two low wings flanking the central space, which overlook Sophie Zaccone-designed native gardens. To the east is the main bedroom, en suite and dressing room.

West is a laundry, guest bedroom and study with views across the adjacent golf course. This ensures there’s no ambient suburban light polluting observation of the night skies, of which Blackheath has some of the darkest in NSW.

Both wings, under vaulted ceilings, operate like open rooms off a single long corridor – something Lloyd-Jones likens to salons in an early French chateau. But it’s adaptable: a cleverly conceived system of sliding cavity doors allows rooms to be isolated for privacy, each their own sanctuary.

The main bedroom and ensuite-dressing space. Photo: Brett Boardman

The passively designed house also works completely off-grid, producing its own energy and water supply. “The house is radical not just in shape but its notion,” explains Stutchbury.

“On one level, Basil was ancient in his philosophy but, behaviorally, he was futuristic.” In the 1980s, for instance, Borun designed an electric car, which almost went into production.

It also results in a house that puts the “core of living” ahead of “the additions of life, the bits and pieces we accumulate”. So, while the house catered to the owner’s specific needs, it’s accessible to everyone. While it engages with the heavens, it also engages on a very down-to-earth, human level.

“I suspect the person who ultimately buys [Night Sky] will have a gentle lifestyle; who is ready for this sort of building,” says Stutchbury.
