Low-income earners could save hundreds of dollars a year on electricity under proposed legislation to make rental properties more energy efficient.
While landlords can currently claim repair costs as a tax offset, they cannot claim energy-efficiency upgrades that could reduce power usage and household bills.
In a bid to encourage more landlords to make such upgrades and have them treated as maintenance under the tax rules, independent South Australian senator Tim Storer has tabled a private members bill to fix the tax anomaly.
“Landlords can claim for the cost of repairs, but not for energy-efficiency upgrades, which seems to be the real source of the issue,” Senator Storer, elected to the Senate earlier this year, told Domain.
“I’m surprised nothing has been done already.”
About 100,000 Australians have their electricity disconnected each year, he said. “The issue of energy poverty is one many Australian are experiencing, from senior citizens to children.”
The Treasury Laws Amendment (Improving the Energy Efficiency of Rental Properties) Bill 2018, currently open for submissions, would allow landlords to claim a tax offset of up to $2000 a year for energy-efficiency upgrades on rental properties where rent is $300 a week or less. This would exclude many rental properties in Sydney, Melbourne and Canberra.
While the energy debate in recent months has had plenty of focus on the supply side, Senator Storer said there had been little focus on how reducing demand could improve energy affordability, reliability and sustainability.
He said improving energy efficiency could cut consumption in half and reduce bills by at least $150 a year.
“There are examples of people saving significantly more than that, where improving energy efficiency has reduced bills by $150 per month,” Senator Storer said. “It makes sense logically to have more energy-efficient homes and the ability for landlords to provide for upgrades for their tenants.”
The bill has the support of the St Vincent de Paul Society, which has been dealing with an increasing number of people having trouble paying their energy bills.
“We absolutely need to make rental homes more energy efficient and give renters more control over their energy usage, and therefore their bills,” said Vinnies NSW chief executive Jack de Groot
“To a large extent, people who rent – especially those on low incomes – have missed out on opportunities to improve the efficiency of their homes. For example, low-income tenants are twice as likely to live in an uninsulated home compared with owner occupiers, and this can have a huge impact not only financially, but also on people’s health and well-being.”
However, Mr de Groot said making rental properties subject to minimum standards for health and habitability would be more effective in the long term.
Tenants’ Union of NSW senior policy officer Leo Patterson Ross said while the proposal was a positive first step, the proposed bill did not go far enough.
“A $2000 offset is not likely to push people to do work they weren’t going to do, but when faced with replacing an appliance, they may go for the more energy-efficient option,” he said. “To be truly effective [the bill] needs to set some minimum standards around energy efficiency.”
He said inefficient hot water systems and poor insulation were among the top issues raised by renters.
Mr Patterson Ross said with rising energy costs an increasing concern for tenants, the tax offset should not be limited to properties rented at or below $300 a week.
But Mr Storer said he felt it would be prudent to start with a modest amount as such tax offsets could have a significant cost overall to tax payers. He said he viewed the bill as a stepping stone to further measures, including having minimum standards in the National Construction Code.
Submissions close on September 28.