This summer marks the end of an era for the wealthy O’Neil family after their private playground on the Point Piper waterfront sold, ending almost 60 years of ownership.
The 2000 square metre property doesn’t actually have a house but the harbour front site does lay claim to a swimming pool, boatshed and four private marina berths that have long been the scene of many family milestone celebrations.
As news of the sale spread among family and friends there was already talk of one last get-together these holidays before the property is passed into new ownership.
It remains unknown just how much the mystery buyer paid for the Wunulla Road property, but Michael Pallier, of Sotheby’s International had been asking more than $30 million.
The online ad was removed earlier this week, and Pallier was unavailable to comment at the time of going to print.
Given the size of the holding and position it is expected to be the most expensive boatshed sold in Australia once the price is revealed at settlement. And with no mortgage on title it is certainly a decent windfall for the family.
Held in a company name headed by brothers Colin and Rodney O’Neil, it last traded for 9000 pounds in 1958 when sold by Polish-born World War II survivors Dr Ignacy Listwan and his wife Elvira, OBE.
A third title was added in 1973 for $21,500 when it was bought from the then Maritime Services Board, giving the O’Neils ownership up to the waterfront.