Opportunity knocks for buyers as Sydney market 'pushes the reset button'

Kate Farrelly
October 16, 2017
Dr Shane Oliver says Sydney is now a less speculative market, more balanced market. Photo: Anna Kucera

When it comes to Sydney’s residential property market, the word on everybody’s lips this year is stable. 

Agents and commentators alike are anticipating a year in which stories of extreme price hikes take on folkloric dimensions, replaced by less thrilling but more sustainable tales of normal real estate transactions.

“The market has pushed the reset button,” Domain Group chief economist Dr Andrew Wilson says. “It was the pause we had to have in the Sydney market.”

In contrast, last year has been described as a year when the fear of missing out reigned supreme. It took hold of otherwise sane buyers and led them ever deeper into the arms of lenders.

Sydney house prices rose 14.8 per cent in 2015, according to Domain Group data, bringing the three-year total price growth to an eye-watering 53 per cent.

Find out how much your suburb grew in 2015 and its forecast for 2016:

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In dollar terms, Sydney’s median house price reached a peak of $1,032,433 in the September quarter, before cooling to $1,013,258 in the December quarter.

“The higher mortgage interest rates initiated mid-year by financial regulators for both investors and owner-occupiers demolished the booming market in Sydney,” Wilson says.

“Sydney median house prices fell by a dramatic 3.1 per cent over the December quarter – the first fall since June 2012 and the sharpest quarterly decline in house prices reported by the city on record.”

Despite the gloomy headlines, most commentators are not expecting continued significant price falls this year.

“We’re in a more balanced, less speculative market,” AMP Capital chief economist Dr Shane Oliver says.

“The reality is in Australia we tend not to see sharp sustained falls in prices unless you see much higher unemployment and much higher interest rates.”

There are plenty of buyers back in the market, and listings are up 30 per cent on the same period last year, SQM Research managing director Louis Christopher says.

“What buyers will not do any more is buy at those crazy prices that were recorded in the June quarter last yearVendors, on the other hand, have not materially budged from the price settings they got from that crazy June quarter. They saw the prices their neighbours got, and now expect that as a minimum.”

The current differential between buyers and sellers is about 8 per cent, he says, which is 3 per cent higher than average and a key driver behind lower auction clearance rates. It will take a little time for buyers and sellers to “meet somewhere in the middle”.

McGrath Estate Agents chief executive John McGrath is forecasting continued growth this year, albeit at a much more moderate, sustainable level.

“The Sydney market had reached a point where some sales were achieving extraordinary results, often 25 to 50 per cent above expectations,” he says. “I think it’s these types of extraordinary sales results that will disappear and be replaced by a more predictable set of outcomes.

“Buyers have had a tough few years getting into the market, but now I believe they will have a great opportunity to secure the right property for themselves before the market moves upwards again.”

First-home buyers

Sydney is fast approaching a real estate market in which first time buyers are forced to kick off begin their property journey with an apartment because of affordability issues.

“I see no significant lift in the number of first time buyers in the near future,” Wilson says.

“The reality is that Sydney has an international price tag, and even with a pull-back in the market, we’re still going to be very close to a $1 million median.

“It’s a real task for first home buyers to get into the market, because they’re still going to require a deposit of about $120,000, which is a very tough ask, particularly given rents are still rising and the savings environment is not good.”

First home buyers will have to look to the outer suburbs for more affordable housing, he says. There are still about 80 suburbs with a median house price of $600,000 or less, all concentrated in the west and south-west.


Loans to investors reached record levels last year, rising to a peak of 54.2 per cent of loan market share in May before a sustained fall after Australian Prudential Regulation Authority measures to quell demand.

The tightening of credit conditions caused some investors to retreat from the market, but commentators expect a swing in sentiment because of the volatility in the sharemarket.

“We’re already seeing the impact of the slumping sharemarket, with more investors and self-managed superannuation fund buyers attending open homes,” Raine & Horne property group executive chairman Angus Raine says.

“The lower Australian dollar will also keep overseas investors interested in Sydney real estate in 2016.”

Prestige property

Asian buyers were a force to be reckoned with in the Sydney prestige market in 2015, snapping up properties from Killara to Kangaroo Point. There are mixed views on how the market will fare this year.

On the upper north shore, Stone Lindfield agent Mae Chan says the falling Australian dollar continues to attract foreign interest.

“As the dollar goes lower, Australia has become more attractive to overseas buyers, as the exchange rate gives them a 25 per cent discount straight off the bat,” she says.

BresicWhitney director Shannan Whitney also expects the top end of the market to be the standout performer in 2016.

“It will be the best category this year with the low Australian dollar,” he says, “and out of the top 10 sales for the year, eight were to mainland Chinese, which is pretty compelling.”

On the flip side, House 18 agent Michael Zhu expects a slowdown.

His buyers, 70 per cent of whom hail from China and Hong Kong with budgets between $3 million and $20 million, are now heading to the United States in the wake of strict new visa requirements, an economic downturn in China and draconian government regulations making it harder to transfer money out of China.

Black Diamondz​ director Monika Tu concurs. “Prices are definitely not going up. The market has been too hot, even for overseas buyers.”


McGrath says this demographic will form the backbone of the Sydney property market this year. 

“Continuing record-low interest rates and a more subdued market will be very attractive traits for these two demographic groups,” and the trend could be evident right across the city.

Ray White Bankstown agent Jennifer Khoury believes family homes that allow people to upgrade will be in high demand in the Canterbury Bankstown region in 2016. 

“Buyers and sellers are coming to terms with the reality of a normal market,” she says. “It is a very safe and affordable option to upgrade or downsize now.”

Dave Watkins, of Ray White Sylvania Waters, is fielding plenty of inquiries from upgraders, as is Simon Harrison, of Belle Property Lane Cove.

“Upgraders are our most active market,” Harrison says. “There is a big flow coming out of apartments in the inner west and from places like Waverton, Crows Nest and Neutral Bay. They’re all looking for something bigger.”

For the full analysis and expert commentary be sure to grab a copy of the 2016 Domain Property Guide in The Sun-Herald this weekend.
