Property Unpacked Podcast: Can building homes rebuild Australia’s economy?

November 5, 2020
Has the government done enough to boost housing demand with policy? Photo: iStock

Boosting home building has been flagged as a key part of the government’s plan to get the Australian economy back on track.

Since the coronavirus pandemic hit, we’ve seen the introduction of HomeBuilder, the extension of the First Home Loan Deposit Scheme and numerous policy changes announced across the states and territories to boost housing demand and support the sector. 

But according to recent research by the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI), greater intervention is needed if the housing industry is to help rebuild the Australian economy.

In this week’s episode of Property Unpacked, we speak to professor Steven Rowley, of Curtin University, to find out if building homes can rebuild Australia’s economy.

Also in this episode, Domain’s senior journalist Elizabeth Redman talks us through the Australian Financial Review Rich List 2020 to give an update on how the fortunes of the nation’s biggest property players are faring, off the back of her story on where this year’s rich listers live.

Finally, we hear from another Domain staff member about their experience house sitting in a low-waste home for two weeks. We then turn to Lottie Dalziel, founder of Banish, who shares the small, easily achievable steps most people can take towards reducing household waste.

Hear the full episode of Property Unpacked on Apple PodcastsSpotify and everywhere else you find your podcasts.
