Sacked McGrath real estate agent Adrian Bo provides business coaching to one of its offices

January 28, 2020
Former top McGrath agent Adrian Bo has returned to the group's Forestville office for business coaching. Photo: Supplied

Former McGrath real estate agent Adrian Bo has shrugged off his dramatic termination from the high-profile real estate group late last year by returning to its Forestville office for business coaching.

Mr Bo’s return to the Forest District office, of which John McGrath is principal, comes despite his termination agreement stipulating he is no longer to attend any McGrath premises for sales training purposes.

The former head of sales was sacked from the ASX-listed real estate company last December following an independent investigation into claims he sexually harassed a junior male colleague, including asking him “how many c–ks he had sucked?”

Following his dismissal multiple sources came forward about Mr Bo’s alleged history of sexual harassment, including three instances in which female staff made either sexual harassment claims against Mr Bo or asked that they be moved away from him because of his behaviour. Two of those instances resulted in payouts accompanied by non-disclosure agreements.

A slew of “boys’ club” allegations against the company last year prompted McGrath chief executive Geoff Lucas to say he was “implementing a range of measures and programs to remind all employees of their responsibilities regarding their behaviours, protections as complainants and the processes undertaken to deal with their issues quickly and fairly at all times”.

Adrian Bo posted his latest sales coaching at Forestville on his Instagram feed.

Mr Bo this month relaunched his own sales and coaching business, Adrian Bo Real Estate Sales Training, which he established in 2016, offering specialist training in sales, coaching, leadership and auctioneering.

Mr Bo’s business coaching at the Forestville office was posted on his Instgram feed last Friday, captioned: “I love working with this team, Karen Terry & Stephen Bock. Today’s business coaching meeting was very productive as always.”

But Mr Bo’s return to McGrath offices is unlikely to become a regular occurrence.

A spokesman for McGrath Estate Agents, Tim Allerton, said: “The majority of McGrath agents are contractors, some of whom have had previous sales training sessions with Adrian Bo.

Adrian Bo has relaunched his auctioneering and sales training business. Photo: Peter Rae

“As a company we can not dictate who our contractors associate with and where they want to supplement their sales training, at their own expense.

“It should be noted that McGrath provides a safe workplace environment and as such it has been communicated to Mr Bo that he is not to claim to be a ‘partner’ of McGrath, as he has done on social media,  nor attend any McGrath premises for sales training courses in future as part of his termination agreement.”

Mr Bo has since removed earlier references to being a McGrath partner from his website and Instagram account.
