The Block 2020 double room reveal recap: Shaynna's 'Trump' jibe for Jimmy and Tam

September 27, 2020

Is it just me or does it feel like 11,000 years between each room reveal episode this season? It is probably just me, wallowing in my own pity from my iso cave, harshly criticising paint colour choices from my rental, with mismatched socks on and dry shampoo-filled hair.

Earlier in the week, Scotty shut down The Block for five and a half weeks and the Blockheads got a taste of iso life.

I have absolutely no idea, guys. Photo: Nine.

Now they are back refreshed, re-energised and raring to get stuck into their two-room week. It’s probably lucky they got to have a little break really when Scotty has asked them to deliver an entire bedroom and bathroom in just seven days.

Jade is either ready to take on the three rooms they are delivering this week or competing with Homer Simpson to jump The Gorge. Photo: Nine.

It seems the couples have lost their initial keenness to get back into it by the end of this week. With Harry and Tash having wonky walls, Daniel and Jade trying to deliver an extra bedroom and Luke and Jasmin building a custom bunk bed for their kids’ room, did someone say burn out?

Also, Dan appears to have fully hibernated while the site was shut down.

Wilson?! Photo: Nine.

It’s tools down again after a mammoth week for the contestants and Scotty lets the teams know that the judges said this week’s rooms showed “a sense of confidence and excitement”. Which leaves me very intrigued with what they have all come up with this week.

Before we get to hear the feedback, we are treated to yet another weird montage of the judges.

Shaynna does look incred in this one though. Photo: Nine.

Harry and Tash are up, and Scotty warns there is “a lot” of feedback tonight … so ominous.

These two need a perk-up I reckon, get them a Macca's latte stat. Photo: Nine.

Shaynna instantly felt when walking into the Melbourne local’s bedroom “a feeling of calm”. Neale says it’s a “confident return” and Darren liked the planning of the room.

Such a calm looking room, but also note the gorilla butt to the right. Photo: Nine.

The three judges liked the heating and air-conditioning choices and the, I cannot believe this was actually said, “big arse fan”.

I guess it is pretty big. Photo: Nine.

Scotty said the styling “was also on point this week” and Shaynna was partial to their vase choice and their “sense of humour”.

Looks like it's straight out of the Australia Zoo for Freedom collection. Photo: Nine.

Into the bathroom and Darren immediately loves the tile choice – “they are stunning and add so much flavour and personality”. He also says he is “totally in love” with the basin choice.

The 'flavourful' tiles. Photo: Nine.

This season Darren throws around the L Bomb like a kid trying to pick which overpriced showbag their mum should get them.

He really is loving that sink. Photo: Nine.

Neale says the bathroom has “those punches, like that black tapware, that give it strength”.

Ah yes, I can see the strength of the tapware here. Photo: Nine.

It was all looking peachy until inspector gadget himself Darren spots the ill-fated wonky wall.

Scotty says Shaynna suddenly felt sick about how Harry and Tash must be feeling right now. Bit dramatic but all right, guys.

I love the 'let's just cover it up with shampoo' styling. Photo: Nine.

Darren felt really sorry for the Blockheads and thought the only solution for them was to pull the whole wall out and start again, which will be hitting them where it hurts – right in the hip pocket.

View The Block properties for sale

House 1, Harry and Tash: 364 New Street, Brighton

House 2, Sarah and George: 362B New Street, Brighton

House 3, Daniel and Jade: 362A New Street, Brighton

House 4, Luke and Jasmin: 360B New Street, Brighton

House 5, Jimmy and Tam: 360A New Street, Brighton

Neale says he wants “to stress that despite that, they have delivered a beautiful bathroom”.

Now it’s Sarah and George’s turn and they have chosen to deliver two massive rooms, plus they worked on a celebratory handshake in preparation for what they believe to be their winning week.

It does look like a pretty dangerous handshake. Photo: Nine.

Upon walking into the bedroom, Darren exclaims, “Look at that”, referring to their giant wall decal. Neale says, “It’s quite a breathtaking room.” It is sounding like Sarah and George will be able to whip out their moves to celebrate this week.

His words say he liked the decal, his face says otherwise. Photo: Nine.

Shaynna says the bed “has way too many cushions and way too many pillows, and I love it”. I simply must save this snippet of info when justifying to my partner why we need another euro cushion at home, ’cause Shaynna says so.

Could do with one more cushion if you ask me. Photo: Nine.

Darren is not a fan of the side tables or the bench choices for this particular room, either.

That wallpaper is quite relaxing to look at, isn't it. Photo: Nine.

Then into the bathroom they go and all three of the judges were not expecting a bathroom of this scale in a double room week.

Shaynna cannot help herself and has to have a touch of their tile choice, cause “they look quilted”. Darren says they look like a “beautiful terrazzo quilted blanket”.

They do almost look squishy. Photo: Nine.

Neale thinks they have kept “those little nods” towards their period.

This looks like it could have been a master ensuite. Photo: Nine.

Shaynna finds issue with the tap placement in the enormous shower and treats us again to a safety demonstration of running between the shower head and the tap because getting the temperature right would be a nightmare.

If Shaynna's demo of this is already awkward, imagine doing it yourself, naked. Photo: Nine.

Darren notices there is not enough lighting above the mirror, something I feel like we have heard in nearly every season of The Block.

Surely it is bathroom building 101 to have lights near a mirror? It would save us viewers from seeing the judges doing the mandatory “look at moi” check each week.

She is not impressed with the lighting here, not one little bit. Photo: Nine.

Scotty finishes their judging up and says, “You have clearly used your time in isolation wisely and because it’s obvious you have a renewed energy.”

Over at Daniel and Jade’s place, they have delivered a mammoth three rooms for the judges to peruse.

Walking in, Neale says, “It just keeps getting better and better, doesn’t it?”

They say this would suit a teenage boy. If so, the kid's got taste. Photo: Nine.

The judges immediately understand that this is what would be a kid’s room. And Darren says that “amazing wallpaper” is perfect for a teenage boy.

Darren notices there is some missing paint and filler along the door of this bedroom and says it is not to this couple’s usual standard. He said “they really bit off a lot and probably had to chew like hell”.

That corner looks like it has been 'chewed like hell' actually. Photo: Nine.

Into the second bedroom and it is a stark contrast to the previous room. Neale says, “That would have to be one of the most beautifully styled beds I have ever seen.”

Shaynna cannot believe her ears, saying “That’s a big call.”

I. Love. That. Artwork. Photo: Nine.

They all agree the styling is perfect and Neale even threatens to nick the cushions, he loves them so much.

Better watch those cushions, Jade. I hear Neale's got sticky fingers. Photo: Nine.

The judges then walk into the bathroom and at this point it’s beginning to feel like this walkthrough will never end.

Neale is a big fan of the handmade subway tiles the couple have chosen. Meanwhile, Darren has not said a peep, done a dance or looked romantically up at a ceiling.

I am partial to a bit of pistachio. Photo: Nine.

Neale asks him, “What are you not liking?” to which he responds, “Pretty much all of it”. And from there it is not looking good for our famers.

He is not enjoying the mixture of concrete, marble and the textured tiles; he also is finding little things missing from the build. This is very different to feeling “heartbroken” about Harry and Tash’s wonky wall and there is definitely less love in the room right now.

It does look a little shabby. Photo: Nine.

He said it “feels like everything is at odds to each other”.

Neale notes that, “Daniel and Jade have delivered a three course meal, the entree was great, the main was spectacular, the dessert not quite so good.”

Darren then says he “commends them for taking on as much work as they took on”. And just like that he is back to the softy we know and love.

Now it’s Luke and Jasmin’s turn and this week they not only pulled the lever for help, they also recruited the angels next door, Jimmy and Tam, to help them finish their rooms.

The face when you realise you will probably be asked to return the favour. Photo: Nine.

As soon as Shaynna walks in, she looks like a Brighton local who just spotted Veuve Cliquot on sale.

$59.95 a bottle?! Photo: Nine

“Oh, that’s really cute, it really says kids’ room,” she says. She also noticed the room looks suspiciously like ex-Blockheads Kyle and Kara’s latest reno.

Umm, explain this guys? Photo: Nine

Jasmin says they do have similar items in their room but they had had it planned prior to the site shutdown. Awkward.

Neale is loving all of the small details like the wallpaper even on the light switches.

I officially want polka dots on my switches, ploise. Photo: Nine

Darren thinks the “hanging chair is just gorgeous” and he thinks the wardrobes are great.

“I can imagine just how excited any kid is going to be on open for inspections,” says Neale, and on that note, the judges had clearly yet to live through stage four restrictions.

I would have thrown an A-level tantrum for this as a kid. Photo: Nine.

Opening the en suite door, Shaynna yells, “Oh my god.” And I am right there with her. Only in Brighton would we see a kids’ bedroom with its own en suite, let alone one this flash.

This is the standard I imagine the Warne children are used to. Photo: Nine.

Neale says, “The only thing I would like to remove from this room is the dried flowers”, and he must be crazy ’cause they are all the rage in 2020. Just ask Bec Judd.

#linkinbio Photo: Nine

Darren again is checking the texture of bathroom surfaces and says this shower screen, unlike in the couple’s first bathroom, is around the right way.

Darren is a very tactile person this season. Photo: Nine

Shaynna ends her judging by saying, “I am jealous of the kids that would use this bathroom.” Preach, sister.

Over at Jimmy and Tam’s, it’s time to see if these guys can score a win without using a sneaky gnome.

As soon as Darren walks into their bedroom, he says, “Boom!’

Struggling to assess the emotion here personally. Photo: Nine

“I reckon five or six weeks in isolation equals extreme creativity,” says Neale. Tell me then, what does six months equal?

All three judges are in favour of the wallpaper, and Darren is loving how they have integrated a bench around a difficult-to-work-with window.

Would happily swap my dining table for this desk set-up. Photo: Nine.

Shaynna is impressed with the wardrobe space too, and Darren notes that a desk in a room in this current climate is a very smart move. As someone who has worked from their dining table for six months, I totally agree.

Neale says, “It’s welcoming, I want to stay in the room, I want to sleep in this room.”

Into the bathroom, and Neale immediately says, “Now that’s a colour scheme.”

The pure joy in his eyes, so sweet. Photo: Nine

Darren says, “I looove it” and Neale adds, “If anyone had said to me, you’ll walk into a bathroom one day painted fluoro peach and you will love it, I would have laughed.”

Shaynna says, “It’s the Donald Trump of bathrooms”, and I am not sure if she is complimenting it or not at this stage..

This is the best bathroom in Brighton. No one could do better. I have lots of words for this bathroom. Photo: Nine.

Darren replies with “how rude”, so I don’t think she loves it exactly. Personally, I cannot say when I get a spray tan that I would ever ask for Trump-Orange.

'Can you see how orange I look right now?' Photo: Nine

Scotty tells the Blockheads, “This colour is not appropriate in a bathroom where you would be applying makeup, because you would come out of it looking like the President of the United States.”

Shaynna says: “Remember at the end of the day, this is not your house, you are doing this to get the best possible price and be careful with not becoming too niche.”

And just like that it’s time for scoring, and Scotty gets to chalking the board.

It is the first perfect score of the season and it goes to Luke and Jasmin. But after getting four hours of help from their neighbours Jimmy and Tam, they asked Scotty to transfer $2000 of the prize money to them. Naww, so wholesome, but also I am devo we don’t get to see Sarah and George’s handshake in full.

Scotty is as surprised at a couple sharing their money as I am when an online order arrives that I forgot I purchased. Photo: Nine

Scotty tells the contestants that next week is kitchen week – arguably the best week on The Block, but that’s just my opinion.

Final scores:

Luke & Jasmin 30

Jimmy & Tam 29

Sarah & George 29

Daniel & Jade 25.5

Harry & Tash 23.5
