Sick of the office? This job comes with free accommodation on a beautiful Cornwall island

Nicole Frost
April 18, 2018
Imagine getting paid to hang out – okay, work – in a castle all day... Photo:


Imagine living on an island off the English coast – surrounded by the windswept ocean, with a quaint little village, huge medieval castle and flourishing garden, protected by the locale’s surprising microclimate.

And the best bit? You’d be paid to live here.

The island of St Michael’s Mount is looking for a visitor services manager, who’d look after 30-odd seasonal employees, help with events and manage the “customer experience” from car park to castle turrets.

The small island is connected to the mainland by a causeway – or raised path – that’s accessible during low and medium tide, and otherwise you can get a boat across. It also, according to legend, was the home of a giant called Comoran, who made a nuisance of himself eating cattle and um, children.

Luckily said giant was slain by a local farmer’s son called Jack, who went on to become Jack the Giant Killer. What a champ.

Other than its very impressive castle and gardens, the island is home to a small village with about 30 residents and an underground railway that runs from the bottom to the top of the hill, built to transport goods.

It’s also appeared in films such as the 1979 version of Dracula, Never Say Never Again, and Johnny English.

Unfortunately applications will need to be in by 9am Tuesday April, 17 UK time – which is nine hours behind Australian eastern standard time, and presumably you’d probably have to be able to attend an interview.

Still, we can dream of waking up to view like this, can’t we?
