There is no doubt that housing affordability is at the top of agenda for governments and the communities they represent and it is timely to discuss what the role of the private sector is in tackling housing affordability.
Often it is the private sector who is asked to do the heavy lifting in delivery of the product for purchase and for rent. But we can’t do it alone. Policy settings must enable developers to deliver what is needed.
The property sector is at the housing affordability table, but it’s not our sole responsibility to fix the diverse social and economic issues that pertain to this issue. But we do want to help deliver on affordable housing targets and, more than that – we know we can do it well and reconceive the notion of ”affordable product”.
There are countless examples of innovative affordable housing models. We have our own members in new suburbs in Denman Prospect and Ginninderry delivering it right now. And it isn’t about building the cheapest one-bedroom unit possible. It is about the ability to be innovative in design, leverage flexibility under planning controls and removal of disincentives to development – coupled with supply of land – that will deliver desirable and diverse housing types.
What is needed is a true understanding that nobody can fix affordability on their own. We all need to be at the table to find the solutions that create the impetus to deliver what is needed. This is the only way to meet our communities’ most fundamental of needs in a way that creates the capacity for everyone to thrive.
The Property Council is holding a forum on housing affordability to bring the government, property and community sectors together to discuss the challenges. Tickets are available here
Adina Cirson is the ACT Executive Director of the Property Council of Australia.