'Sunset clawback' developer Ash Samadi goes into liquidation

Sue Williams
October 16, 2017
An artist's impression of the East Central development on Elizabeth Street, Surry Hills.

A multi-million-dollar property developer who made up to 50 per cent more on off-the-plan apartment sales by cancelling contracts and reselling the units has gone into liquidation days before he was due to face his original purchasers in court.

Ash Samadi​ invoked sunset clauses to rescind contracts on the basis that the apartments were not completed on time. Some units went back on sale within days for much higher prices.

These sunset clawbacks, as well as those by other developers, prompted a Domain campaign to give consumers more protection, and led to immediate changes in the NSW law.

While Mr Samadi’s so-called sunset clawbacks may well have been perfectly legal, the day before a court hearing into his actions, angry purchasers were told his company had gone into liquidation and his two building companies de-registered.

Now the legal battle by his devastated buyers has been delayed while they work out their next move.

They’d been planning to ask the court to force the beleaguered developer, Samadi Developments Pty Ltd, and associated companies Rostam No. 3 Pty Ltd and Rostam No. 4 Pty Ltd, to hand over documents that might allow them to find out whether or not those rescissions were legal.

“You really do wonder about the timing of the liquidation and deregistration,” said one of the affected buyers, Tara Ende. “It’s hard not to think it’s about avoiding being sued. But none of us are ready to give up just yet.”

Ms Ende, 46, a migration consultant, was one of seven purchasers of off-the-plan two-bedroom apartments in the seven-level, 42-apartment boutique building East Central in Surry Hills who had their contracts rescinded.

With prices in the Sydney housing market booming between the date they put down their deposits and the time they were due to settle, not only did the purchasers lose out on the benefit of their smart investments, their returned deposits were worth far less. Ms Ende bought her apartment in June 2013 for $890,000 but a similar one was later sold for $1.39 million.

Tara Ende,middle, John Seale, left, and Lee Sim, right, all had their contracts rescinded in Surry Hills.

Taking action: (from left) John Seale, Tara Ende and Lee Sim all had their contracts rescinded in Surry Hills. Photo: Brendan Esposito

Those buyers had asked Mr Samadi to show them the documents to prove the delays in completion were genuine. “But he wouldn’t give us them, so then we have been forced to go to court instead to ask for those documents,” says Ms Ende.

Mr Samadi did not return Domain calls.

Two more of the buyers taking action are John Seale, 74, and his wife Suzy, 65, who bought two apartments, one to live in and the other as an investment. They returned to Australia from China where they’d been working as expats, to discover they no longer had either.

“It’s wonderful how the legal system works!” Mr Seale said, with irony, when told of the liquidation and de-registration. “It doesn’t seem to work in favour of the people it should.”

The outrage over those sunset clawbacks, as well as others carried out by other developers, prompted a Domain campaign to limit the practice and make developers’ actions more transparent.

As a result, NSW Minister for Innovation and Better Regulation Victor Dominello speedily enacted legislation in October last year to allow developers only to rescind contracts under the sunset provision on carefully prescribed grounds, having to serve a notice on buyers outlining their reasons. If the purchaser did not consent to the rescission, the developer would have to obtain a court order at their own cost.

But now the group taking action against the developer have been advised by their lawyer, Mark Deutsch of Deutsch Miller, that next steps could include making an application to have the deregistered companies reinstated.

“One may speculate that the relevant companies have respectively been liquidated/de-registered in an attempt to avoid any liability to you as purchasers in the development and to stymie your attempts to progress your case,” he wrote to them.

He said on Tuesday, “Everyone suspects, but no one can prove, he’s done the wrong things in terms of the rescission of off-the-plan contracts. The procedural step is the preliminary discovery application to get hold of the documents to determine whether there is a case. It’s now a longer road to get back to where we were.”
