The Block 2019 kitchen and laundry reveal recap: Shaynna lashes Mitch and Mark's 'tacky' feature

Simone Mitchell
September 22, 2019
The judges' feedback was a bit much for El'ise. Photo: Channel Nine

Special mention goes this week to the people who do the musical score for The Block, because the dramatic overture in the background of this week’s episode was next level.

It would have worked equally well with footage of the Titanic sinking, Liam Neeson freeing hostages in a Hollywood blockbuster … and Scott Cam tallying the votes for this week’s room reveal.

Tonight’s episode began with a friendly reminder that every couple is haemorrhaging cash and may not be able to finish their houses because of bad budgeting. 

Scotty Cam is cheesed off that everyone has been bitching about not having enough money behind his back. He asked if anyone wanted to quit and everybody looked at their shoes for a bit and El’ise cried again.

Nobody saw that coming. Photo: Channel Nine

Here is how it played out with the big kitchen reveal.

Luke and Tess

The pressure is really on the junior burgers this week. They only have $30,000 left to finish the remaining 11 spaces.

There were questions raised about why they are spending so much money on trades when Luke is a chippy, and why they are not using the sponsors’ products to their advantage.

Tess and Luke's kitchen. Photo: Channel Nine

Dan had feisty words about Tess and Luke, saying: “They’re in a hole [financially] and they are trying to blame everybody else.”

To be fair, they had a prick of week thanks to plumbers and sparkies pulling the pin, and there was some flooding in their kitchen area and a mis-step on the size of their island bench. On the upside, they won $5000 and a gnome.

Behind every good kitchen is a laundry. Photo: Channel Nine

The judges were into the kitchen they delivered. The enormous island bench was a hit and everyone squealed and clapped their hands at the cupboards with fancy folding doors and automatic lights (if you’re having trouble picturing this, it was like an automatic garage for cups). 

As far as constructive criticism went, Shaynna Blaze thought they should redo the island to make it larger and turn it into an eight-seater. She also felt the styling was a bit cluttered. 

Behind the kitchen was a laundry that could also function as a butler’s pantry. Shaynna liked the functionality of the laundry but said the palette choice and styling dragged it down a little.

El’ise and Matt

This pair has a little over $41,000 left so El’ise went to some garage sales to try and save cash. We all know this to be a mistake, because you just end up buying sombreros and leopard print onesies and forget what you actually came for.

Those are some damn good looking vegies, El'ise and Matt. Photo: Channel Nine

Their kitchen featured a snazzy bank of fridges they won in a previous challenge, but unfortunately dazzling the judges with a wall of wine still wasn’t enough to get them over the line.

Neale Whitaker was into the aesthetics, saying: “It’s a kitchen that wraps itself around you … there’s a lot to love here, the cabinetry is very slick.”

The rangehood's position was blacklisted by Dazza. Photo: Channel Nine

But Darren Palmer wasn’t a fan of the rangehood being set over the island bench. Shaynna agreed, saying she also felt there wasn’t enough prep surface space. “It looks beautiful but the planning is a bit wrong,” she said. 

We don't know what the kettle and toaster are doing in the laundry, either. Photo: Channel Nine

Jesse and Mel

This pair is doing a bit better financially, with $52,000 left in the kicker.

Jesse said everyone is referring to him as “Jesse of all trades” after he laid the kitchen’s chevron flooring himself. He learnt to do this by watching a YouTube clip. I guess it’s like makeup tutorials for Block contestants.  

The kitchen a 'Jesse of all trades' built. Photo: Channel Nine

Jesse also provided the predicable kitchen puns when he announced, “things were heating up in our kitchen … Mel and I were on fire”.

Ghastly humour aside, Jesse and Mel produced a pretty stellar kitchen, according to the judges. 

This is a very tight butler's pantry. Photo: Channel Nine

They felt the functionality was “spot-on” and Neale was a big fan of the mirrored kickers and the gorgeous handles on the cupboards. Shaynna loved the artistic light fitting.

Neale commended the pair, saying: “They lost the plot for a few weeks but they’re very much back in the game.”

Unfortunately, they lost points for their butler’s pantry that was too tight and cramped. The consensus was that it “doesn’t feel luxurious because there’s no sense of space”.

Mitch and Mark

The boys from Bondi have $58,000 left, so they’re not doing too badly in the money stakes. 

They continued their luxe theme in the kitchen with backlit Caesarstone splash backs, navy blue walls and … “virtual windows”. 

The cake's great, the faux windows not so much. Photo: Channel Nine

The judges originally hailed the kitchen as “moody and classy” until they spied those god-awful fake windows with the sheer curtains. Ten points to Shaynna for calling it, saying: “That’s tacky as anything.”  

But all was not lost. They had notable chef Adam D’Sylva pop out of their butler’s pantry to give everybody a heart attack. 

The correct expression to display when a chef unexpectedly jumps out of a cupboard. Photo: Channel Nine

The butler’s pantry was given the seal of approval but, on the whole, the judges felt the kitchen fell down in functionality. Their major issue was that there were no stools around the island bench, so it didn’t feel welcoming enough to guests. And those fake windows. Let’s not forget those fake windows.

But how good are those floors?! Photo: Channel Nine

Andy and Deb

The pair had a good week. They won the lucky dip and guessing competitions and in doing so scored an extra $15,000. This was added to the healthiest bank balance in the competition: $83,000.

Earlier in the week they pulled that magic tradie lever to ambitiously add a void above their kitchen. The result was a light-filled space that the judges automatically fell in love with. 

Andy and Deb's kitchen, which won them the day. Photo: Channel Nine

Neale described it as one of the best kitchens he had ever seen on the show. 

Shaynna agreed, saying: “They have hit it out of the park, I adore everything they have done.” 

She loved that they had used op shop items in the styling and the result was “a kitchen that feels homey but in a high-end way”. 

And the laundry that clinched the top points. Photo: Channel Nine

The judges also felt their laundry was “well-connected to the kitchen”.

Andy and Deb ended up winning the $10,000 prize money, as well as a very bright blue car to drive to a bonus hotel stay. Eagle-eyed viewers may have caught the mildly awkward moment when Jesse went in for a congratulatory hug and got accidentally snubbed by Deb – the nicest person on the planet.

The moment Jesse got stitched-up by Deb. Photo: Channel Nine

Scotty Cam relented at the end of the episode and each couple was given an extra $40,000 to complete their houses … which goes to show that whinging works. 

Next Sunday is living and dining room reveal. It also looks like Mitch says something controversial on radio that upsets the other couples and frankly we are HERE FOR IT.


Andy and Deb – 29.5

Jesse and Mel – 28.5

Tess and Luke – 27.5

Mitch and Mark – 26

El’ise and Matt – 23.5
