The Block 2020 front garden and facade reveal recap: Tash tears up at the scores

November 1, 2020

Melburnians have finally been released from our iso caves and allowed to live it up with a brunch/lunch/night-on-the-town this weekend, but nothing, not even the lure of a crisp prosecco, will keep me from watching the curtains be opened on the facades of The Block.

Dave Franklin is me when the waiter brings me my first out-of-lockdown champers. Photo: Nine

Some of you may not have been lucky enough to nab a reservation at even the local pub, so welcome to the first instalment of judging exteriors on Brighton homes for fun.

Before they finished the for this week our Blockheads had a guest visit from the reigning queen of Brighton herself, Bec Judd. All of the couples got soaked in a downpour on their last day before reveal and some were so delusional from lack of sleep they were forming serious relationships with their new foliage.

Alejandro Escobar himself, as Tam dubbed him. Photo: Nine

Judging now has kicked off, and like it is every week, Harry and Tash are up first.

“This was just a dumping ground a week ago,” says Shaynna upon entering the gates to their front yard.

“That is incredible,” adds Neale.

“ I tell you what, there is massive street appeal,” says Darren. “It’s just so elegant and calming.”

Genuine shock. Photo: Nine

“We should be used to transformation, but this is something else,” says Neale. With comments like these, this couple seems to have their much needed win in the bag.

Then, as per usual, Shaynna finds a problem.

“They’ve got the biggest front yard of everybody, and I did expect to see more lawn, and play area. So, I think I am just a bit surprised how much planting is here, that little square of grass, for me, is not enough,” she says, and with that there is definitely no 10/10 heading their way from Shaynna.

Said tiny grass patch. Photo: Nine

“I think when you come through the gate, you engage with this, there’s a real sense of serenity. It should jar, but I am actually feeling like it’s all coming together pretty well,” says Neale, and I am not sure if he is just trying to be nice or genuinely loves this garden.

What's not to love here? Photo: Nine

“Hmm, I’m not feeling the same,” adds Shaynna. “It needs to be simplified.”

I just realised Darren is actually there, he seemed to be mute at the start there, but he noticed the painting issues and faults in their work on the facade. He does, however, “love that arch”.

Not sure of the exact purpose of this. Photo: Nine

Shaynna again shares her feelings and says “hmm, I find a disconnect”, to which has Harry and Tash looking completely shattered.

When Shaynna tells you what she really thinks. Photo: Nine

“It’s probably going to be for the eclectic, eccentric buyer,” says Darren to the group.

“I totally understand the points you’re making, but it doesn’t alter how I feel about it,” says Neale, like he has to defend his stance on the design. Neale, that’s why there are three judges. You do not have to agree with them.

'I'm a judge too guys' Photo: Nine

Now it’s Sarah and George’s turn. Let’s hope Shaynna and Darren are feeling a little more upbeat about this one.

Walking in, Darren’s first words are “you got me at the grass tree”. Betcha Harry and Tash wish they knew that at the start of the week.

Apparently this guy is really old. Photo: Nine

“Well you got me at this arbour,” adds Shaynna. I wonder what’s going to “get” Neale.

This is an arbour for those wondering. Photo: Nine

“This garden is engaging in its simplicity. It couldn’t be more different to next door,” says Neale. “And Darren I agree with you, it had me at the grass tree as well.” Next year’s contestants, if you are reading this, I hope you are taking notes.

“I’m in heaven,” Neale adds.

When you realise all you need is a front yard to feel like you are in heaven. Photo: Nine

Shaynna is loving the bricks and notes that there is more grass in this front yard than next door as well.

“It feels like you could play out here and take your time in this space, more than next door. The garden is not overwhelming the house, and that’s what I was feeling next door, the garden was very much overwhelming,” she adds.

“This is exciting, love it” says Neale and the judges leave Sarah and George’s front yard.

View The Block properties for sale

House 1, Harry and Tash: 364 New Street, Brighton

House 2, Sarah and George: 362B New Street, Brighton

House 3, Daniel and Jade: 362A New Street, Brighton

House 4, Luke and Jasmin: 360B New Street, Brighton

House 5, Jimmy and Tam: 360A New Street, Brighton

Onto Daniel and Jade’s place and they are looking to score an outright win, without having to use a gnome for the first time this season.

“That facade is so glamorous, dramatic, I adore it,” says Shaynna. Meanwhile, Darren has barely made it through the gates.

Picture perfect. Photo: Nine

“Wow, wow, wow,” says Neale and Darren is equally impressed. “Just gorgeous,” he adds.

'A facade, no way!' Photo: Nine

Darren then notices that the decking up to the front door would make the perfect runway, and proceeds to give Neale and Shaynna a show. “You do that almost too well,” says Neale.

Werk that catwalk montage. Photo: Nine

All three of the judges are loving the plant selection and nods to the 1930s with their use of palms in their yard.

The lack of panelling and a few grubby bricks catch Darren’s eye as a downfall for the couple. Neale and Shaynna agree.

Does look pretty shabby. Photo: Nine

“It’s breaking my heart looking at that,” says Shaynna.

Looks pretty happy for a broken heart. Also love the new 'do. Photo: Nine

The three judges then plonk themselves on the verandah and take in the garden from the little seating area Daniel and Jade have put together. “Grab your lemon, make your little cocktail and have your G and T to end the day,” says Shaynna and Scotty tells the couple: “The judges literally had to drag themselves out of judging” onto the next house.

Darren is a multi-tasker: getting a bit of colour whilst judging. Photo: Nine

Luke and Jasmin are next on the chopping block. Points lost from me if they do not supply Darren with another catwalk.

“We just keep getting swept away into these different eras, over and over again,” says Darren.

“This actually says home to me,” says Shaynna. Neale adds: “Very, very nicely done.”

This is very Brighton. Photo: Nine

Because the judges are all about seating today, Darren nabs the first spot on the built in bench seat. “Oh, I’m so happy,” he says.

He looks so cute there. Photo: Nine

Shaynna spots the fall-trees that she assures the other judges will give the “most incredible privacy”.

Darren notices the solar panelled security camera and says it must hook up with a security system for the house. To which the cameramen stopped him and said “that’s just for the show”.

“Got anything else to say, Darren?” asks Shaynna. “Nah,” he responds and the crew is giggling.

It really takes a village. Photo: Nine.

“For me the only negative note is what’s right behind you,” Neale says to Shaynna pointing at the water feature.

Music from the movie Psycho played when showing this. A bit dramatic. Photo: Nine.

Scotty then tries to tell the couple that Neale thinks the water feature is not aesthetically pleasing, but cannot get the aesthetically out correctly and settles with “it’s not that nice”, which was hilarious. Had to be there.

'Can someone tell Neale to use simpler words please' Photo: Nine.

“My heart belongs to Summer Hill,” says Darren.

They then sit on the balcony to take in the view and Neale says: “I just wish I wasn’t looking at that water feature. Get rid of it.” Ouch.

He looks amazed at how ugly the water feature is. Photo: Nine.

Finally, we are at Jimmy and Tam’s turn for the judges and I cannot wait to see what Darren Palmer thinks of the giant palm tree named after him.

'Nuff said. Photo: Nine.

“We are in Palm Springs,” declares Neale when walking in.

Serious desert vibes. Photo: Nine

Shaynna lets the boys know that the huge palm tree was gifted to the couple and Darren says looking up at the tree “it’s a gift from heaven”. Such a shame Jimmy and Tam did not leave him a note letting him know that “gift from heaven” is his namesake.

'My boy is beautiful'. Photo: Nine.

“This is fantastic. I don’t often say this, but I am in love,” says Neale.

Darren thinks the couple should have put in more plants, but Neale thinks it’s perfect.

They then walk around to the pink door and are loving what tone the couple have chosen.

Moving onto the deck, the judges again make themselves comfortable.

They wanted to even do their scoring from this possie. Photo: Nine.

“Jimmy and Tam have just barely missed a beat. It’s a really special, really interesting, very sale-able house,” says Darren perched in his little armchair.

“The judges felt like there were no losers this week,” says Scotty and that is front gardens and facades done and dusted.

Tash is struggling big time with the judging this week and it is clear before the scores are revealed they are the bottom of the scoreboard. Luckily she has dad and George to give her a hug.

We've all been there girlfriend. Photo: Nine.

The scores were tight and Sarah and George and Jimmy and Tam tie, so they split the cash. Next week: garages and studios.

Final scores:

Sarah & George 29

Jimmy & Tam 29

Daniel & Jade 28

Luke & Jasmin 28

Harry & Tash 26
