The Block 2020 studio and garage reveal recap: Only two teams finish their rooms

November 8, 2020

The Block has not been short of drama this week and before we get to room reveals, the producers want us to know what a tough week it has been for our Blockheads. Cue some 60 Minutes-style music to really emphasise the seriousness of the plastering and such issues.

It will be interesting to see what Shaynna, Neale and Darren think of these studios and garages, especially when the majority of our couples have not delivered finished spaces. 

Jasmin is not feeling it this week. Photo: Nine.

The judges start off at Harry and Tash’s garage. 

“Well it’s a garage,” says Shaynna. “It is a garage,” replies Neale and immediately the judges are underwhelmed. As they said, it is a garage after all. What more do they want?

'Is this it?' Photo: Nine.

Walking up the un-plastered stairwell Shaynna remarks “this is not a good sign at all”. 

Moving through the studio, all three judges really like the skylights and the amount of light in the space. Darren thinks the kitchen space is too large for a studio and reduces “the opportunity to be as multi-use as possible”. 

“Right now it feels like a lot of real estate used for something you would have in a bigger space” he adds. 

Looks like a normal-sized apartment to me. Photo: Nine.

Shaynna mentions that they have created “all of this elegance” and left the fridge exposed. 

Meanwhile, Neale is hunting for, you guessed it, a lamp. Ugh, this again. 

Darren is so over lamp-gate. Photo: Nine.

“We don’t all just live in the day, we live at night as well”, he says, still disappointed with the lack of lamps. 

They move into the bathroom and Neale immediately says: “Oh dear, that’s what you call unfinished business.”

Bit shonky looking. Photo: Nine.

All the judges feel the layout is flawed in this bathroom and have concerns with the space the shower screen, when it is installed, will have for opening. 

“It’s a bit of a disaster, frankly,” Neale says. 

On a more positive note, Darren loves the tile choice and Shaynna looks forward to seeing it when they get a chance to finish it. 

Sarah and George are up with hopes of continuing their winning streak. 

Straight into the garage and Shaynna is already feeling more positive about this space, with its added bonus of cupboards. 

Do we have a new storage queen on our hands? Photo: Nine.

Walking up the stairs, Darren looks like he is auditioning for Next Top Model and Neale and Shaynna are just pleased there are clean stairs and paint on the walls. 

Into the studio and Shaynna is listing all the perks, such as wardrobe, bench space and desk area. 

“They have ticked all the boxes,” says Darren. “There is no dishwasher, but I’m OK with it, I’m cool”. 

“Sometimes you just have to wash up,” responds Neale, in a manner similar to a parent saying no ice cream until you finish your peas. 

To the future buyer, can I please rent this from you? Photo: Nine.

“It’s real estate gold,” says Neale and he mentions how important flexible spaces are since COVID … and doesn’t my dining table know it. 

They enter the bathroom and Shaynna is a big fan of the space. She even says the skylight over the shower is like “showering with the gods”. 

That is one snappy bathroom. Photo: Nine.

Scotty tells the couple “this may be your best yet” the judges liked it so much. 

Shaynna finishes off the judging by shouting, while in the tiny bathroom, “I love it!”

Neale is currently trying to regain his hearing after that Shaynna scream. Photo: Nine.

Daniel and Jade are next, and the judges are very pleased to find a powder room and some storage down here. 

After strolling up an unfinished stairwell for the second time today, they find themselves in the kitchenette space of Daniel and Jade’s studio. 

“It doesn’t have a cooktop,” says Shaynna, adding she expects one for the size of kitchen space allocated. 

“It doesn’t feel as finessed or resolved as what we have just come from,” says Neale. 

Those green apples do look unresolved. Photo: Nine.

The judges note that this “bedroom” would be the sixth bedroom for this couple, and maybe they should have styled this space as more multipurpose. 

Darren spots that the desk is not only average, but there is also no power available if you were, in fact, planning on working there. 

“It’s got the same personality as the average serviced apartment,” says Neale. 

Serviced apartments could never. Photo: Nine.

Over in the bathroom, the judges are very complimentary. They love the tiles and the vanity, and Shaynna says “it’s like showering with the gods again”. I am a little confused with why this is such a plus. Let’s hope there are no cashed-up kiddos getting drones for Christmas this year on New Street is all I have to say. 

The lighting would be great for shaving. Photo: Nine.

The judging finishes and Scotty tells the team “not earth-shattering but definitely a B-plus”. 

View The Block properties for sale

House 1, Harry and Tash: 364 New Street, Brighton

House 2, Sarah and George: 362B New Street, Brighton

House 3, Daniel and Jade: 362A New Street, Brighton

House 4, Luke and Jasmin: 360B New Street, Brighton

House 5, Jimmy and Tam: 360A New Street, Brighton

Luke and Jasmin are up next. They have definitely not finished their space, but say it’s the plasterers’ fault, not theirs, of course. 

The judges enter their garage and are pleased to see it is a complete space, even if there are no bells and whistles here. Darren says: “Let’s call a spade a spade here, and they have not screwed anything up”. 

Another unfinished staircase trip but the judges are pleasantly surprised by the couple’s choice of round skylights. 

“That’s so hot,” says Darren. 

Maybe Darren tried to touch them and the temperature was warm? Photo: Nine.

Into the studio space and Neale is underwhelmed again: “As lovely this is, it is again presented as just another bedroom.” 

Shaynna, on the other hand, thinks it’s just a bit of study space styling that is lacking here. 

It's like a pocket-sized version of their main kitchen. Photo: Nine.

“Of the four spaces we have seen, this one is the most consistent with the style and feel of the main house,” Neale says. 

Over in the bathroom, they are each loving the space and the roominess but are concerned with the lack of a bathroom door. Sorry, what? No door? I am all for open plan living, but that is a stretch. 

Neale looks like he finds it funny watching Shaynna explain why you need bathroom doors. Photo: Nine.

Darren tries to discuss the potential issues with as much decorum as possible by saying there would be problems with “acoustic integrity”. 

Nope, no acoustic integrity. Photo: Nine.

The judges all agree that the lack of a door is something that needs to be fixed and the couple need to complete the imperfections of the space in their final week. 

Now, finally, it is Jimmy and Tam’s turn and they have no gnome up their sleeve to nab the win this time. 

Walking into the garage all three judges are genuinely shocked to see a full home-gym space and start throwing “Wow” around like it’s going out of fashion. 

Shaynna, genuinely shocked. Neale, annoyed at the thought of working out. Photo: Nine.

“That is thinking of the new world,” says Shaynna. 

Scotty tells the couple “Darren Palmer was in heaven” and Darren starts listing all the equipment by name, then has the audacity to say: “Not that I work out.” If Darren doesn’t work out and looks like that, I want the name of his surgeon – stat. 

Darren 'not that I work out' Palmer, un-chuffed by the gym. Photo: Nine.

Neale is not as convinced that every buyer will love the gym setup. 

Into the studio and the judges think the layout of the galley-style kitchen is very clever, with its integrated desks. 

It looks like a full home, seriously. Photo: Nine.

They then locate the dishwasher hidden within the cabinetry and Darren says “the first dishwasher of the day, tick”. 

Dishwasher secures the win? Photo: Nine.

Shaynna and Darren think the use of a sofa bed is a smart option for the buyers, Neale is not so sure about it, even though he said the other studios should be more multi-use. 

“For Neale, he was imaging the sound of a heavenly choir, bursting forth with unbridled enthusiasm,” says Scotty, “because there’s a lamp.”

“Hallelujah,” says Neale. 

Still loves a lamp. Photo: Nine.

The three judges are commending Jimmy and Tam for always coming from left field but Darren adds, “which makes me concerned we are going to go into that bathroom and find tangerine walls”.

“Don’t do that to me,” replies Shaynna. 

'Say tangerine one more time'. Photo: Nine.

They walk in to find a calm and serene bathroom, very off-brand for this couple, but the judges are very pleased with the design.

Reflecting on all five studios and garages, Darren says: “All of these spaces have added something really special to the homes, although some have created issues for the homes as well.” 

When you know you have issues. Photo: Nine.

“In their opinion, it’s clearly come down to a two-horse race,” Scotty tells the couples and, with that, it is scoring time. 

I am actually sad to see the back of the internal spaces by the Blockheads this year but also on the edge of my seat to see those backyards. 

Final scores:

Sarah & George 29.5

Jimmy & Tam 29 

Daniel & Jade 25.5

Luke & Jasmin 25.5

Harry & Tash 20 
