The Block 2021 front garden and facade reveal: Teams deliver the final stunning spaces

Rachael Gavin
November 1, 2021
Mitch and Mark's front yard is so stunning, it prompts one judge to admit they were wrong about that team's vision. Photo: Channel Nine

There are hugs, tears and surprising admissions on the final day of The Block 2021 as front yards and facades are revealed and teams say their goodbyes.

Judges Shaynna Blaze, Neale Whitaker and Darren Palmer are blown away by the front gardens. Mitch and Mark‘s in particular is so stunning, it prompts one judge to admit they were wrong about that team’s vision for their living room.

But the judges’ criticism of Josh and Luke‘s yard results in an angry rebuttal and a heated final spray at Shaynna, Neale and Darren.

First we kick off with the last day of power tools, as skeleton crews finish planting, cleaning and painting.

There’s a lot to do, but Ronnie can’t leave the cul-de-sac without getting payback for Paulie, Keith and Dan’s prank.

“He’s taken my mountain bike, he’s welded something to my brake, therefore destroying my bike, cannot be used,” Ronnie says before holding up the item he will destroy for his revenge.

“[Dan’s] beloved ruler he’s had for 16 years, his first boss gave it to him. Well Dan, let me tell you something mate — you don’t mess with the Cacereses,” Ronnie says.

When Keith and Dan say their goodbyes to the teams, Ronnie hands over the chopped and melted ruler to Dan in a giftbox. The measuring tape is so wrecked, Dan struggles to even recognise it.

Hours pass and before you know it host Scott Cam calls “tools down” for the last time in 2021, and teams run out onto the road to celebrate.

“It’s a relief it’s done but it’s with real sadness it’s finished,” Mitch says.

Now let’s head to Block Headquarters to hear Scotty read out the judges’ feedback for teams’ front yards and facades.

Ronnie and Georgia

SOLD - $3,696,000
2 Bronte Court, Hampton VIC 3188
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First impressions are good with Shaynna, Neale and Darren admiring Ronnie and Georgia’s ability to execute a consistent look from the front garden to the backyard.

“Very architectural, very contemporary, it’s very impressive,” Neale says.

However, the judges are surprised the front entrance is so exposed with no shelter over the front door, which is clear glass, allowing anyone to see into the home.

Neale says Ronnie and Georgia's front yard is 'very architectural', but Shaynna believes it's not very inviting. Photo: Channel Nine

Shaynna admits the garden doesn’t feel inviting in a way that makes her want to explore or use the space, but she did love the addition of a beehive.

“It’s a lovely touch isn’t it. It’s the first time we’ve seen a beehive on The Block, and it’s a lovely acknowledgement of things that matter to us as a society now,” Neale agreed.

Mitch and Mark

SOLD - $4,044,444
4 Bronte Court, Hampton VIC 3188
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The couple’s vision of a family-friendly wonderland delights the judges from the moment they see the white picket fence.

Once inside the gate Shaynna runs off to look at the cubby house, a feature she’s been longing to see since Backyard Week. She also loves the trampoline, and the large tree, which prompts her to act out how kids would use the space.

“Then you play chasey around the tree, ‘You gonna get me, you gonna get me?'” she says, poking her head around the tree.

The judges now understand Mitch and Mark's vision for the house. Photo: Channel Nine

“Thank you Mitch and Mark, you have made me so happy.”

So happy in fact that Shaynna admits the front garden has made her understand what Mitch and Mark were trying to achieve with their living room.

“You know how we really had a go at Mitch and Mark about walking through that front door and feeling odd because there was that table in the centre, and you just feel like you’re walking straight into the guts of the home really,” she reminds Darren and Neale.

Shaynna loves Mitch and Mark's front yard. Photo: Channel Nine

“The way that front gate is with the arbour, lets you be invited into the house. So already by the time you get to that front door, you’re already immersed in the home. You don’t need a hallway,” she realises.

“I take my hat off to them. I am always happy to eat humble pie when I see them do the right thing, and I want them to know that they have rescued that front.”

Back at Block HQ Mitch and Mark are thrilled with the feedback, and to hear the judges now understand their vision for House 2.

Tanya and Vito

SOLD - $3,800,000
8 Bronte Court, Hampton VIC 3188
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Darren, Shaynna and Neale’s feedback kicks off with appreciation for the quirky letterbox. They also love the hit-and-miss brick fence, which ties in well with the mid-century style of the interior.

Neale appreciates the subtlety of the period details in the garden design.

“I’m so pleased they weren’t tempted to do that sort of Palm Springs garden with the succulents and the cacti, that probably would have felt a little obvious. I like the fact they’ve gone for a softer, gentler, more Australian garden,” he says.

Neale appreciates the subtlety of the period details in the garden design in Tanya and Vito's front yard. Photo: Channel Nine

But Shaynna is missing large palms and grasses, and wishes there was a tree next the the verandah that made you want to sit there all day.

Darren compliments the overall design, which he can tell was done with a tight budget.

“I think what they’ve achieved actually really does help sell the dream of this house,” he says.

Josh and Luke

SOLD - $3,930,000
10 Bronte Court, Hampton VIC 3188
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The judges are wowed by the “simple, structural, elegance” of the facade and are big fans of the floating steps.

“It actually completely changes the look of the front of the house, it’s become a different building now,” Neale says.

With a mature olive tree and clever lighting design, the entranceway is a big comeback from last week for Josh and Luke, according to the judges.

But Darren wonders about the choice of a white brick fence, which looks rustic compared to the sleek lines and grey tones of the house.

The judges are big fans of the floating steps at Josh and Luke's place. Photo: Channel Nine

Back at Block HQ, Luke hits back when he hears that comment.

“It’s very modern, very slick, so to say that’s a rustic look, they clearly don’t know what they’re talking about. It’s not rustic whatsoever,” he says.

Returning to the judges, they also find the grassed area disconnected from the entertaining spaces in the house.

“And there’s a reason for that because wasn’t this where the driveway was meant to be? Wasn’t this where the garage was meant to be?” Shaynna recalls.

But they feel this grass area is disconnected from the house. Photo: Channel Nine

Hearing this got Josh and Luke even more “fired up”.

“I think it makes sense. They have no idea what they’re talking about,” Luke responds.

Despite a few negative points, Darren thinks there will be a buyer for the twins’ house.

“I think what they’ve done is so close to being great, any buyer is just going to see great.”

Kirsty and Jesse

SOLD - $4,401,523
1 Bronte Court, Hampton VIC 3188
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Walking into Kirsty and Jesse‘s front yard Neale was so delighted he repeated a phrase he’s said many times in House 5: “Honey, I’m home.”

The striking arbour with star jasmine and giant tree, that no one seemed to notice until now, prompts both Darren and Shaynna to say the yard is “heaven”.

Shaynna loves the seating and gives the styling top marks, with bikes, totem tennis and cricket all displayed like the children have just finished using them.

Kirsty and Jesse's impressive front yard is a hit with the judges. Photo: Channel Nine

“It’s amazing! It’s life! It’s real life. It’s family life. To me, this is selling that family dream every bit as much as Mitch and Mark’s across the road. It just, to me, has a sense of suburban grandeur to it,” Neale says.

The judges mostly have positive things to say about the facade, except the door has a glass window in it impacting privacy.

Neale believes Kirsty and Jesse have created “the best house The Block has ever delivered”.

Both Shaynna and Darren consider that a “big call’ but Neale insists. “In all my years of judging The Block I honestly can’t think of a better property than this,” he reiterates.

Time for the judges’ scores.

  • Ronnie and Georgia: 27
  • Mitch and Mark: 29.5
  • Tanya and Vito: 24
  • Josh and Luke: 24.5
  • Kirsty and Jesse: 28.5

Mitch and Mark are the winners! The couple will take home a brand new Ford Puma as their prize for coming first in Front Yard and Facade Week.

Now we look to auction, and Ronnie and Georgia have some thinking to do because they have won the power to choose the auction order.

Josh and Luke are all fired up. Photo: Channel Nine

On the way out, Josh and Luke blast their score and feedback.

“We beat Tanya and Vito by half a point, how does that make sense? In a front yard, you look at the two and you tell me that ours is half a point better. These judges, we hope we can shove it in their face on auction day, and if we win it will be even more case for us to get them off this show,” Luke says.

That’s not all from Josh and Luke, with a teaser for the auction episode revealing the twins will admit the truth of what really happened in the cheating scandal. Will we finally find out who took the photo of the production schedule?

This article was originally published by Reproduced with permission.
