The Block 2021: Why Ronnie and Georgia won't be using 'dirty tactics' to pick the auction order

Amy Lyall
November 5, 2021
Ronnie and Georgia are nervous about choosing the auction order, as they know the gravity of the decision. Photo: Channel Nine

From day one every team sets out to deliver incredible rooms to impress the judges and eventually a buyer. But in 2021, there was one big reason Ronnie and Georgia wanted to win every week possible.

The team who finished with the most points would win the Domain Super Power, which would put them on the Domain cover and give them the ability to decide auction order.

With a final score of 331.5 the Perth couple won, and after going through an auction before that didn’t end the way they wanted, they know how much is riding on their decision.

Ronnie said they were “nervous” about deciding the auction order, both knowing it’s a massive call they’re going to have to make.

“On a selfish note, it feels good that we’re getting to choose where we want to go at the auction,” Georgia told 9Entertainment.

  • The Block 2021 listings are live. See them here.

“But then you also think about the collective and you know, wherever we put these guys can effectively make or break them.”

Both agreed deciding where every team will go on auction day is a huge decision and after going through auctions before, they know how much it can impact the results.

“Coming into it we know how big it is to be able to decide the auction order and it’s why we wanted to win every point,” Georgia said.

This season of The Block has been one of the most explosive in the show’s history with a cheating scandal like never before.

The couple say they won't le the cheating scandal affect their decision. Photo: Channel Nine

The photo of the production schedule threw the whole show into chaos and blowback continued for weeks and caused problems for everyone.

But watching that and other dramas on the show play out on TV won’t be impacting the decision the couple make on the day.

“No, we won’t be letting things like ‘he said this’ or ‘she did that’ come into the decision,” Ronnie said.

“We want people to win money at the end of the day, that’s it, there won’t be any dirty tactics with the decision making.”

But everyone knows that no matter what, you won’t be able to please everyone, which Georgia was realistic about.

“Someone has to go first, second, third, fourth, fifth,” she said. “And I know where we’re going.”

After having their home passed in during their first Block auction they finally got a sale after a tense negotiation with buyers’ advocate Nicole Jacobs.

Although having been through that before, we’re sure Ronnie and Georgia are going to be spending a lot of hours considering every option.

Gallery: All the past winners of The Block and their prize money

This article was originally published by Reproduced with permission.
